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I won't post in here anymore. I mean honestly, I didn't come here to be a troll or to offend anyone (I might have been too offensive when the 7 year old niece was brought into the big picture). Some people are just overly sensitive.

Way. Overly. Sensitive.

Not many people can take smack talk. And when smack talk is dished out, they take it personally. Then they overreact. Then the personal attacks start.

Seriously people, lighten up. It's the internet.

Some of you think your smack talk is all in good fun, but in reality, your smack talk looks the same as my smack talk (generally speaking). You're biased to what I say and I'm biased to what you say. We don't need to get offended by it.

Anyway. I apologize for some of the [actually] offensive things I said. Other than that, I don't apologize for out witting you or saying something that made you mad. Just because someone has a different opinion or says something that flames what you said doesn't make that person a horrible being. Some of you guys really need to chill out. I'm not going to post here anymore. I've lost my job in this league, and that's fine. I was 3rd string. It was fun while it lasted. It's not the end of the world. I wish everyone good luck in this league (and their next leagues). A lot of you guys have sculpted really good teams. So what if you win, lose, or tie. It was a fun league. Let's relive the good moments instead of the bad.

Let's just put it all behind us here. Move on with our lives. No grudges. No immaturity. It's over with. It's done. Time to move on, all right?

Good luck in the future.
(and sorry to luxem and his niece)

And remember, don't feed the internet hate machine.
Dude dont worry, You didnt really say anything. Most the talking was done by 2 other people. (not ganna name names here)
lol 2 other people, I assume you mean me and The Pwner since you have some grudge against us?

If so, please point out where me and/or the Pwner "took it personally, overreacted and then started the personal attacks" as Viking put it. I did not attack anyone personally/take anything personally nor overreact.

And Viking, you didn't outwit anyone, lol. Or at least not me or the Pwner.
I'll come out and say it. All 3 of you are giant douches. I'm so glad I didn't sign with the Yukon Silent Pwners as I strongly considered it after seeing the way you children act.
Sik Wit It
We're not a team of immature children...our owners just like to talk smack. We have very good ownership, and this is coming from a very experienced owner.
Originally posted by GMathiasf
I'll come out and say it. All 3 of you are giant douches. I'm so glad I didn't sign with the Yukon Silent Pwners as I strongly considered it after seeing the way you children act.

And this is case in point of the type of person that can't handle smack talk. lol
Originally posted by GMathiasf
I'll come out and say it. All 3 of you are giant douches. I'm so glad I didn't sign with the Yukon Silent Pwners as I strongly considered it after seeing the way you children act.

Ummmm... pretty sure we didn't even offer to you. Good try though. Enjoy the scrimmage games!
Originally posted by JerryRice
Originally posted by GMathiasf

I'll come out and say it. All 3 of you are giant douches. I'm so glad I didn't sign with the Yukon Silent Pwners as I strongly considered it after seeing the way you children act.

And this is case in point of the type of person that can't handle smack talk. lol

That's what I'm talking about. People really need to lighten up.

The difference between JerryRice, THE PWNER, and I compared to GMasthiasf is that we don't insult someone personally (usually). I dont see why Mathias is so butthurt. It really seems like he overreacted a small bit.

So how is everyone tonight?
Originally posted by Viking184
Originally posted by JerryRice

Originally posted by GMathiasf

I'll come out and say it. All 3 of you are giant douches. I'm so glad I didn't sign with the Yukon Silent Pwners as I strongly considered it after seeing the way you children act.

And this is case in point of the type of person that can't handle smack talk. lol

That's what I'm talking about. People really need to lighten up.

The difference between JerryRice, THE PWNER, and I compared to GMasthiasf is that we don't insult someone personally (usually). I dont see why Mathias is so butthurt. It really seems like he overreacted a small bit.

So how is everyone tonight?

Lol... you've been kicked off your team for personal insults, don't say that you're like us...

As for Mathias, I can't remember him posting in these forums or getting involved with the trash talk up till now, so I'm not worried about him...

Doing good, and you?
Originally posted by Viking184

That's what I'm talking about. People really need to lighten up.

The difference between JerryRice, THE PWNER, and I compared to GMasthiasf is that we don't insult someone personally (usually). I dont see why Mathias is so butthurt. It really seems like he overreacted a small bit.

So how is everyone tonight?

I'm good. Don't know why Mathias is taking stuff so personally. I too don't remember him posting. I s'pose he's just upset his #1 team lost to the #16 team. EL OH EL. How does that even happen? I hope they were throwing the game.
I'm doing well also guys.

Pretty interesting games today, eh?
Originally posted by JerryRice
Originally posted by Viking184

That's what I'm talking about. People really need to lighten up.

The difference between JerryRice, THE PWNER, and I compared to GMasthiasf is that we don't insult someone personally (usually). I dont see why Mathias is so butthurt. It really seems like he overreacted a small bit.

So how is everyone tonight?

I'm good. Don't know why Mathias is taking stuff so personally. I too don't remember him posting. I s'pose he's just upset his #1 team lost to the #16 team. EL OH EL. How does that even happen? I hope they were throwing the game.

But that wasn't the right game to throw... they could have won that one and thrown the next and still not have gotten the promotion.

I think it was a full effort by both teams, with maybe San Diego overlooking the Wrath of Bort.
Im very proud to be a Pwner,
these guys know how to run a team,
they respect their players,
and they talk a lot of trash
(they dont try to degrade people or their family)
Please Gmathias, quote one comment that was derogatory or offensive that came from either Jerry or the Pwner, they talk about the teams, these fictional teams.

On the other hand, dont forget about Forseth, hes just as bad as what Viking was doing, cept hes a friggn pedophile. If you want to talk shit against me, doesnt bother me, gone thru too much in my life to get offended on here. But personal attacks against a 7 year old, or ignorant sexual comments, sorry, theres got to be a line somewhere.

Talk Smack, tell another team theyre worthless, their secondary couldnt cover my grandma. But when you then start making comments about the grandma, youve failed.
I just wanted to say my final two cents on this subject, Im done and on with the playoffs.

Smack Talk = Good
Ignorant racist,hateful,sexist,etc,etc,etc comments = just stupid and have no place in this game. Try another Forum where there are plenty of other idiots.

I think some people need to double check the definition of "wit" and "witty". I have yet to actually see wit displayed properly here, yet so many people keep saying (in my best tough guy voice) "You're not as witty as me. Heh, heh."
Originally posted by luxembourgh
Im very proud to be a Pwner,
these guys know how to run a team,
they respect their players,
and they talk a lot of trash
(they dont try to degrade people or their family)
Please Gmathias, quote one comment that was derogatory or offensive that came from either Jerry or the Pwner, they talk about the teams, these fictional teams.

On the other hand, dont forget about Forseth, hes just as bad as what Viking was doing, cept hes a friggn pedophile. If you want to talk shit against me, doesnt bother me, gone thru too much in my life to get offended on here. But personal attacks against a 7 year old, or ignorant sexual comments, sorry, theres got to be a line somewhere.

Talk Smack, tell another team theyre worthless, their secondary couldnt cover my grandma. But when you then start making comments about the grandma, youve failed.
I just wanted to say my final two cents on this subject, Im done and on with the playoffs.

Smack Talk = Good
Ignorant racist,hateful,sexist,etc,etc,etc comments = just stupid and have no place in this game. Try another Forum where there are plenty of other idiots.

friggn pedophile? And you say that I come with personel attacks. You told me to go jerk off when you brought upp your niece into this. Sorry if I dont get this right, my english is not so good, but you make it sound like I should go jerk off on your niece and I couldn't understand that. So I asked, "on your niece." Whats wrong with that? And last what started all this. I came with this statement "Thats the problem, his niece is a wreck." That is not a personel attack since I dont know a shitt about her. As I can count I have 0 personel attacs in the Canadian forum. If I have said that about you it would be different. Thanks and good luck in the playoffs.

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