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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Position Talk > Attribute Increase per Level by Position
Has anyone made a spreadsheet/list of Attribute Increases by position?

The SHARED increase seems to be 2 points per level in primary attributes and 1 point per level in secondary attributes.

There's a lot of talk on player building and getting primary attributes to 48 quickly (which of course disregards secondary attributes and stifles player creativity).

I've noted that several positions, notably FB, TE, SS/FS have >2 primary and secondary attributes that increase fractionally per level (like 1/5th or even 1/6th of a point).

Some positions, like C, that rely chiefly on STR and BLK, seem to increase 1 point of STR and BLK per level. Most positions split the points.

So - anyone have this information handy (or any links?)
Dude... Its in the player guides...

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