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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > This just in- davitrav30's a virgin?
Shocking news today out of Madden, Louisiana. There have been multiple reports saying that the well known and not so well liked owner has in fact never had sexual intercourse with a woman. When Channel 13 News called him for an interview and to comment on these allegations, he simply said "ROFL!" and went on his fruity way. What we can take out of this is that he is in fact a virgin that likes to roll on floors... We were able to get an interview with his parents who did not find this news to be shocking in the least bit. "It is probably due to the fact that he was born with such an abnormally small penis. It probably isn't physically possible. We had to use a microscope when he was born just to see if he was a boy or a girl," his mother stated. Upon asking his father about these allegations, he simply replied "You think thats news? He's a (expletive) fairy for Christ's sake!" Davitrav30 owns the Madden All-Stars. A team that plays in the very competitive league of A#2.Many of the other owners in the league say they aren't surprised in the least bit. An owner which would like to remain anonymous explained "He has always been the least liked owner in the league. He always runs his mouth about everything. I'm pretty sure he has a secret engagement with one of the agents in the league. Him and Phirehawk are planning a trip to San Francisco to get married and live together." In light of the new homosexual allegations, here at Channel 13 news take back our statements about how Davitrav30 is a virgin. He is only a virgin when it comes to women. In an interview with Phirehawk, he stated "He pounds my (expletive) all night long."

This has been a special Channel 13 news bulletin.

And now to Maytheus for sports!
I think this might have been worth a smile 12 years ago when I graduated high school.

If nothing else, it tells us how old you are...
Originally posted by PhireHawk
I think this might have been worth a smile 12 years ago when I graduated high school.

If nothing else, it tells us how old you are...

you old person >.>
Ha ... you funny guy.
Originally posted by PhireHawk
I think this might have been worth a smile 12 years ago when I graduated high school.

If nothing else, it tells us how old you are...

No, you just told us how old YOU are.
You obviously have way too much free time to be resorting to this type of smack.
Last edited Jul 12, 2008 10:47:30
Fat Banana
You must be around 15 years old to post that kind of juvenile shit.
I think if you look around this forum you would find that a vast majority of us have posted some sort of juvenile shit.

Hell the name "Fat Banana" itself is a juvenile attempt at innuendo.
Fat Banana
Fat Banana refers to my nickname. It came to be when I was in high school so I'm sure it is juvenile in origin, and it refers to me (not anybody else). But if it makes you feel better I'll re-word what I said.

You must be around 15 years old to post something like that in this ongoing juvenile popularity contest.

Feel better?
Last edited Jul 12, 2008 11:23:25
Originally posted by Fat Banana
Fat Banana refers to my nickname. It came to be when I was in high school so I'm sure it is juvenile in origin, and it refers to me (not anybody else). But if it makes you feel better I'll re-word what I said.

You must be around 15 years old to post something like that in this ongoing juvenile popularity contest.

Feel better?

Not really. You call someone a 15 year old while you are using a nickname you had from high school. Pot, kettle, black?
Fat Banana
It's been my nickname since high school. Not pot, kettle, black. Now if I wrote up some faux news release to call you a retard, or if I just flat out called you a retard, then it would definately be pot, kettle, black. Otherwise it's apples and oranges. Is this something you can comprehend?
Originally posted by Fat Banana
It's been my nickname since high school. Not pot, kettle, black. Now if I wrote up some faux news release to call you a retard, or if I just flat out called you a retard, then it would definately be pot, kettle, black. Otherwise it's apples and oranges. Is this something you can comprehend?

So when you meet new folks you say "Hey my name is ___ but you can call me Fat Banana"?

You and I both know Davitrav is just reaping what he has sowed on these forums. Ever read "articles" from the Onion? The people in those are being mocked because they have done/said stupid shit, just like Davitrav is being mocked now for posting some of the most assinine stuff to ever penetrate human eyes on here.

Fat Banana
No I don't introduce myself to new folks as Fat Banana except for anonymous online communities like this one. My friends still call me Banana.

As far as Davitrav I don't really care what anybody's opinion of him is. Quite honestly I don't think he does either. This kind of thing smacks of cliqueyness though (is that a word?). If you want to rip on him for something he has actually said or done go ahead, but stuff like this makes me think of a group of popular girls making up bullshit about the unpopular girl.
this was a joke fat banana. I'll have to find my vacuum so you can get the sand out of your vagina. And i'm not fifteen ass clown. I'm in college. so you can suck my fat banana. bitch
Originally posted by MDterpsBBall03
this was a joke fat banana. I'll have to find my vacuum so you can get the sand out of your vagina. And i'm not fifteen ass clown. I'm in college. so you can suck my fat banana. bitch

15 year olds can attend online college

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