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Forum > FAQ's, Player Guides and Newbie Help > I bought Flex Points and haven't received them yet. What's up?
Flex Points will usually show up within 10 minutes or less, but sometimes it will take a couple hours for PayPal to send the request on to us.

If you paid by eCheck, it will take PayPal several days to clear the check with your bank. The funds will be semi-captured but they haven't been passed on to us at that point. If you have a PayPal account, you should be able to check the status of your transaction via your account page.

If you did not pay by eCheck, or you're not sure if you did, and you haven't received your Flex Points within 3 hours of your purchase, please contact digitaldaggers, and he will be able to look it up for you.

When you contact admins about Flex Point purchases, make sure to include the transaction id or receipt id from your PayPal purchase receipt. This will help us assist you quicker.

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