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jimmy mac
Owner of the Tasmania Tigers sent me a message warning me I had a player on my team sending info to the other teams in the league. I thought that was a very classy move and want you all to know that I will do the same for any of you as well.

The player sent me a PM that said, "dont worry, I only sent it to teams you havent played yet, no ones that you did".
What a douche!!!

Once again thank you to the Tasmania Tigers. (who will stomp us anyways, so they didnt really need any info).
Damn, yet another reason that I don't have other people on my team.

But props to the Tigers' management for doing the honorable thing and coming forward with this.
I'm in on this in a big way, and I will report any player that shares info. Nice job Tigers.
Nats Kule
Same here, that is complete bullshit. Can't understand why someone would do that. We have a good group of owners here, and I'm happy to be a part of this league. Sorry to hear you had to deal with a wanker Jimmy. Props to the sportsmanship shown by the Tigers, if I could only convince them to start their P at QB tomorrow!
Ya'll want to hear something funny? I had him as our #2 HB and #2 FB and he was complaining about a HB playing FB. He sent some crappy messages to the owner and that's what got him benched. Then, I guess when he realized he had been benched and banned from the forum is when he started spreading info. So J-mac traded him last night.

Guess where he is on he new team's depth chart...

#2 FB
That's some bs and I would like to see all the owners opt into this. Friendly comptetition is one thing, CHEATING, is something all together different. And yes I would say the same thing if I were 0-12!
Well, I find it pretty hard to believe that anyone would PM me and reveal my opponents' secrets, but you can bet I'll out the bastard if that ever happens.
count Melbourne in as well, the Dreadnoks might lie, cheat and steal but we do not rat out our teammates, and would not take inside info on other teams from douchebags. Sorry to hear that jimmy thats BS.
but I am sending out PM's to all of the remaining opponents with our gameplans to make it even for the rest of the season and I suggest you do the same....we are going to blitz 100% play the run 100% and run heavy run oriented team around the rates of 98/2 run/pass its only fair that you guys know this since so many of you already know Jimmys plans, please PM me your plans at gambrinus843 I would like a hasty response from Papua New Guinea, Tecmo, USAorg, Brisbane. and Palau thank you and have a good day.
jimmy mac
Originally posted by gambrinus843
but I am sending out PM's to all of the remaining opponents with our gameplans to make it even for the rest of the season and I suggest you do the same....we are going to blitz 100% play the run 100% and run heavy run oriented team around the rates of 98/2 run/pass its only fair that you guys know this since so many of you already know Jimmys plans, please PM me your plans at gambrinus843 I would like a hasty response from Papua New Guinea, Tecmo, USAorg, Brisbane. and Palau thank you and have a good day.

LOL! nice!
Some people shouldn't be allowed to PLAY some GAMES.
Mr. Deeds
That is BS and if my team ever gets a PM like this we will post here and rat him out. Get him out of this league!
Yes when I got the PM all I could think of was, man I wouldn't want a guy like that on my team and I bet Jimmy wouldn't either. I consider all the owners of this league my friends and want to see all of our teams succeed in the future. I just know having bad apples on our teams is no good for anyone. Glad you did the right thing and got rid of the bad apple. Now you should have traded him to USAORG LOL kidding glad he is gone and playing backup. I think I wouldn't have been as nice an owner as you. I would have made all players set themselves to Only owner can view and then I would have dropped him off the depth chart so he would not get any xp for games. I would have let him ride out the rest of his contract that way. But that is just me.
Last edited Jul 6, 2008 17:49:55
jimmy mac
Originally posted by Draven
Yes when I got the PM all I could think of was, man I wouldn't want a guy like that on my team and I bet Jimmy wouldn't either. I consider all the owners of this league my friends and want to see all of our teams succeed in the future. I just know having bad apples on our teams is no good for anyone. Glad you did the right thing and got rid of the bad apple. Now you should have traded him to USAORG LOL kidding glad he is gone and playing backup. I think I wouldn't have been as nice an owner as you. I would have made all players set themselves to Only owner can view and then I would have dropped him off the depth chart so he would not get any xp for games. I would have let him ride out the rest of his contract that way. But that is just me.

Believe me that is what was going to happen if that 1 guy didnt offer for him. I just wanted the throbbing headache gone!!

Thanks again!
High class Draven. Proud to be a Tiger today. Well... MORE proud to be a Tiger today.

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