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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #1 > Oceania AA #1 Week 13 Power Rankings
SOMEONE needed to do them. I'm not going to guarantee promptness or that I'll nail every week, especially when school starts back up. I'll try, though! I also know why noone else does them -- deciding how to rank 5 different 10-2 teams is hard as friggin hell. Please, noone take offense -- these are all personal opinion. I looked at how many points you won by when you won and how many points you lost by when you lost. That's why some teams with slightly worse records are ranked higher than those with slightly better records. This was my first shot at doing these, mind you, so be gentle! I only did the top 16 teams, also. Anyways, let the discussion begin!

Oceania AA #1 Power Rankings:

The top 10:

#1: Northbrook Nightmare (Last Week: --)
Northbrook has had a dominant season up until this point, beating anyone and everyone that got in their way. It looks like they will cruise to week 16, where they face...

#2: Las Vegas Super Bears (Last Week: --)
Vegas just suffered a narrow Week 12 defeat to the Tasmania Devils after a narrow defeat of the Gangsters in week 11. Still the best of the teams in Zeta, and part of a really, really close top 3.

#3: Samoa Gangsters (Last Week: --)
The narrow loss to the Bears in Week 11 was followed up with a decisive victory over the inmates in week 12. The rest of the schedule looks fairly easy for the Gangsters, though anything can happen in AA #1.

#4: Orlando Prime Timers (Last Week: --)
Orlando's close game with Northbrook puts them on the top of the five 10-2 team heap. They have a somewhat tough schedule in the coming weeks, however, facing Darwin, Papeete and the Contract Killers in consecutive weeks.

#5: Fantasy Inmates (Last Week: --)
The Inmates have been a solid team for the whole season, never getting blown out but also rarely putting on offensive showcases. However, with a defense as solid as theirs, the offense doesn't need to show off too terribly much.

#6: Melbourne Assassins (Last Week: --)
The Assassins are another solid team in Alpha Conference and would be ranked higher, but many of their victories over other top teams have been close calls. They look to move up the ranks a bit as the season closes out.

#7: Tasmania Devils (Last Week: --)
Tonight's victory over the Super Bears shows that Tasmania is a very solid team in Zeta that can (and will) shock someone in the playoffs. While they face a tough matchup with the Inmates next week, their remaining schedule is fairly easy and they should cruise to a playoff spot.

#8: Danish Contract Killers (Last Week: --)
The Contract killers have proven to be solid all year, and stayed in contention with other top teams throughout any of the games they've played. While they seem strong on both sides of the ball, though, neither side seems to stand out. Their toughest remaining game will be in week 15 at Orlando.

#9: Perth Pirates (Last Week: --)
The end of the 10-2 teams, Perth only comes in at this spot due to slightly weaker showings against other top teams. A win against Melbourne in week 14 could improve their stock, though.

#10: Fiji Ventures (Last Week: --)
Almost ranked Fiji higher -- their four losses against top competition in Alpha have been by an average of around 3 points. A win in any of those games moves them farther up the ranks.

The almost-made its:

#11: Portland Rain (Last Week: --)

#12: Wollongong Hippos (Last Week: --)

#13: Darwin Devils (Last Week: --)

#14: Jakarta Typhoons (Last Week: --)

#15: Mount Isa Dingoes (Last Week: --)

#16: Firmament Mystic Prophets (Last Week: --)
BONUS! Playoff Spots have been clinched by the following teams:

Alpha: Northbrook, Melbourne, Orlando, Perth, Danish
Zeta: Vegas, Samoa, Inmates, Wollongong, Tasmania, Portland
Last edited Jul 5, 2008 00:23:35
Nice writeup, Mr.Moose. Gonna be an interesting run to the playoffs!
Great work, despite haveing Portland behind Fiji, a better record is just that a better record. Still good job, "let rain".
Thanks for the time and effort MrMoose. Looking forward to see how this one unfolds.

Rush Hour700
yea i like that perth is the underdog
Hey, this is pretty awesome. I like it.
Originally posted by karma3
Great work, despite haveing Portland behind Fiji, a better record is just that a better record. Still good job, "let rain".

The only reason I have Portland behind Fiji is because Fiji's 4 losses were ridiculously close games. Three of them, a field goal could have turned the tides.

These rankings were HARD.
how many make it to the play-offs from each conference, 8?
yea eight, and Moose i'm sure they were, 1-5, 6-9, and 10-12 are all neck and neck.
It's going to be a close race for the final 2 play-off spots in Zeta. Currently it is a race between Jakarta, Mount Isa, Dunder Mifflin, Brisbane, Polynesia and Sydney. Here in Polynesia we're looking to win our last 4 which would get us a spot. I've predicted these teams will end up:

Jakarta 8-8
Mount Isa 7-9
Dunder Mifflin 8-8
Brisbane 7-9
Polynesia 9-7
Sydney 5-11

Going to get tight down the line. how are tie-breakers done for the play-offs?
It's a little funny how Tasmania gets on the list but we don't. We just beat them...
Don't let our record fool you...
Someone should add little bios about the teams' best players in each ranking... come on, SOMEone has to have the time...
Nice work Mr Moose!
Originally posted by dviss1
It's a little funny how Tasmania gets on the list but we don't. We just beat them...
Don't let our record fool you...

I'm not letting it fool me. As far as I was concerned, you and Tasmania were pretty neck and neck, but Tasmania was one TD away from at least tying you all. The Gangsters beat both the Devils and the Rain evenly. You and Tasmania don't have a common opponent in the Inmates yet. So the only real common opponent that there's a difference in is the Bears, where they beat you by 28, but Tasmania beat them by 3. So that's the only reason they made the list above the Rain.

Pretty much, numbers 4-10 are so ridiculously close at this point in the year that they could easily shift a few spots with a win or loss from any of the teams up there.
Originally posted by herc11
It's going to be a close race for the final 2 play-off spots in Zeta. Currently it is a race between Jakarta, Mount Isa, Dunder Mifflin, Brisbane, Polynesia and Sydney. Here in Polynesia we're looking to win our last 4 which would get us a spot. I've predicted these teams will end up:

Jakarta 8-8
Mount Isa 7-9
Dunder Mifflin 8-8
Brisbane 7-9
Polynesia 9-7
Sydney 5-11

Going to get tight down the line. how are tie-breakers done for the play-offs?

Not bad. I'd agree with it except for one thing: we're not dropping games anymore. We've been playing way below our actual level because of a few poor defensive tactics settings that we haven't fixed until just now. I've been gone for the past two weeks on vacation in Europe so I've had no contact or ability to do anything, really. Glad to be back, but now it's time to crack a few skulls open!

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