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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Building Equipment Question
So I read around lvl 52 is a good time to build advanced eq. I tried to create a piece that was +7 speed with addition +3 speed and a First Step bonus.

The problem is it costs 278 bonus tokens and I only have 379 tokens so I would only be able to build one piece. How do people get enough tokens to build 4 pieces? Should I just use the store instead and hope I get lucky finding something?
Edited by tdp992 on Aug 20, 2024 12:03:51
TJ Spikes
So... you get Bonus Tokens (BTs) from your daily training.

If you want more BTs, you need to train differently. Light Training now gives you 12 BTs per night for example.

The equipment store "upgrades" itself after every 10 levels starting from 1. So 11, 21, 31, etc. It'll add better options and also 1 more options slot to choose from.

If you're going to build AEQ, it doesn't matter when you do it specifically, but it might be beneficial to roll in the store a couple of times and see if you get lucky.

Part of the magic of a good build is getting the BT/AEQ/Training balance right.

Ok I refreshed store and I see gloves that are +3 speed and +2% fake chance. I heard that it's good to find ones that are +3 but how is that better than my regular equipment that right now each piece is +7 speed?
here's a good read on the subject:
I'm thinking I might just spend 278 tokens on creating the 1st aeq. Then switch to light training so I can afford at least another one
There's a bit to take into account. The best (or I guess most cost-efficient) piece you can get is a +3/+5%. A +5% isn't bad as you'll have to spend 50 BT to build the +3 yourself. From there, it can be subjective, but it's also going to depend on your build and how many BTs you're going to end up with. If you're at the point where you're looking for a specific SA then +3/+1 SA is also a good piece.

If you're going 4AEQ, I think it's best to shop for the first 3 pieces and build the 4th piece. You can try to shop for that last piece if BT calculations allow, but finding the perfect piece paired with the type of EQ (head, body, hands, feet) is going to be a pain in the ass.

The link savanna posted is very good information. Everyone had something valuable to contribute, but start with what Kapaa, Theo, and TJ said, put it all together, and go from there. Trial and error is going to a big part of it too. Screw ups are part of dot building. With the accelerated builds it doesn't hurt as much

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