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GG ZZ and the Sharp Dressed Men - that was a show of route cuts timed spot on with checkdowns, something to behold!
zz man
Originally posted by dusk883
GG ZZ and the Sharp Dressed Men - that was a show of route cuts timed spot on with checkdowns, something to behold!

GG to you too. checkdowns are difficult to "manipulate" at this early age so theres always a little bit of luck there. Passing tree has opened up since the changes to play creation especially shown by the KC crew but at this age its rare if I have more than 2 dots as potential targets. Im a little conservative and fear giving away the interception mainly as Ive had lots of practice at it !!!

Played more man to man than I intend to at Pro age but Knockdown dots seem able to bridge playing both although I wont really know until they get past Lvl 68 ish

Now I got my old mate and my Exiles O Coach to worry about next

GL going forward...Impressive season and thirst for knowledge backed with a spectacular season. Impressed by Flama Blanca as well

And dont forget there are a few heavyweight teams laying low so all in all things are looking none too bad
Thanks zz. Round 2 of players for Mizzou and I after a long hiatus. We are hopeful this batch can be competitive but know the big dogs are largely biding their time until plateau. This age group seems strong
zz man
GG Boxers... Close throughout

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