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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Zeta- Game 13 Predictions
Happy 4th of July! I'm sure that certain teams are tired of getting picked on, so until next season, the mismatches won't be posted. they will be the pink elephant in the room. We'll pretend they don't exist, maybe they're in the kitchen so you don't see them but you know that they're there and people are talking about them in whispers.

Sharks, Falcons, Pirates, Initiative, Mantas, and Armada, don't give up. Go out and start recruiting now for next season, work the phones hard and come back stronger next season. I've seen plenty of teams make the turn around and beat up on some of the bullies. To the players, don't take it personal if the team you're on has to upgrade your position, there's plenty of opportunities out there.

I really like Oceania AA4 and hope to see Nottom, Po, Kool and the gang back next season. It wouldn't be as much fun without you.

---------------------Games of Interest----------------------
Guadalcanal Gunners vs Devonport Devils
Devonport has come a long way since the beginning of the season. They play at a high level and could steal this one if the Gunners don't take them seriously. The Gunners on the other hand have been rolling lately and I'd courtmartial anyone that doesn't have their game face on.
Gunners by 20

Tasmanian Swarm vs WSP
The early season loss to Dharma may come back and haunt WSP as the Raiders and Troyfins attempt to take the #8 seed. Every game is deadly serious now and the Swarm are no joke.
WSP is going to have to handle King Taco QB and not let him pick them to pieces,but he's deadly efficient spreading the ball out evenly to 3 different targets. Watch out for Henry Ortiz, one of the better DT's in our conference. It's an uphill fight for WSP but if they play their minds out, they just might do it.

WSP by 3 but it's going to take every trick in the book.

Redcliffe Sharks vs Rockhampton Raiders
The Sharks aren't technically eliminated from the #8 seed but that's just a technicality. The Raiders are holding on to the #8 spot by their fingernails and must win every game they can to retain it. The Sharks should play loose with nothing to lose. You feel like running 100% inside, do it, all the odd gameplans you always wondered about, now is the time to bring them out and try them. The Raiders are going to be nervous and over anxious but should pull this one out.
Raiders bite their nails but win by 10

-------------------Spotlight Game---------------------------
Newcastle Mountain Lions vs Fiji Flying Foxes
After losses to the Gunners and ASRW, the Lions are the team on the outside looking in on a home playoff game. They need to win this game to jumble the rankings and take the pressure off. They'll need perfect games from their entire roster to pull it off. Foxes just need to not have another lapse like they did against ASRW.
Newcastle rocks the Zeta world, win by 6

Hopefully the foxes won't have any slip ups the rest of the way. My other teammates would have liked to win it straight out, but I don't mind backing into the number 2 seed.

A little good news today. The 10 win teams have clinched a playoff spot, which is all you need.
Wow....Newcastle to upset the Foxes. I think the sulfur from the fireworks has gotten you high.
I was really hoping you had us losing.
thanks for the shoutout
So which side of the mismatch are we on?
I'm thinking the good side...

As the Pirates Offensive Coordinator, if we even score on the Stingers, I will consider that a moral victory.

Last edited Jul 6, 2008 11:00:09
How about a huge Pirates upset....It could happen.

Or Not...
Last edited Jul 6, 2008 11:51:10
our bad johnbarber. 5 picks (2 in the red zone). Anyone need a qb?

Great game Foxes. Can't wait to face one of the 2-4 teams in the playoffs, I like our chances against any of you (except maybe ASRW).
I guess we finally beat the odds.
We tried to make you proud.

Ugh the Sharks are going to get the number 8 seed. Go Troyfins?

This is even more reason I dont like the extra game, cuz even if we beat the Raiders and Pirates, which wont be easy. We still need a win from the Troyfins vs the Sharks to get in. Or we have to win vs a good team from the Alpha division. Since the sharks get the Armada of Alpha.

Oh well what can you do.

God I hate my kicker he probably just cost me the playoffs.
Last edited Jul 6, 2008 13:08:06
Originally posted by po
We tried to make you proud.

Ugh the Sharks are going to get the number 8 seed. Go Troyfins?

This is even more reason I dont like the extra game, cuz even if we beat the Raiders and Pirates, which wont be easy. We still need a win from the Troyfins vs the Sharks to get in. Or we have to win vs a good team from the Alpha division. Since the sharks get the Armada of Alpha.

Oh well what can you do.

God I hate my kicker he probably just cost me the playoffs.

I agree. A little lame that Sharks drew the Armada considering their potential playoff position. And I looked at ur game against the swarm. 2 missed fgs and an XP that could've made the difference. That's rough.
You can say it's lame... or you can win more games.

If we manage to get top 8 then I'll be very happy. Teams grow in a season, especially if it's their first... I would definately not call our #8 undeserved if we manage to pull it off. But, until the last game has finished nothing is set in stone just yet.

I will congratulate any other team who will take it in our place however, on a season well played against tough competition.

It seems not everyone shares this mindset?
I wouldn't call it undeserved.

Just call it comparable to a kid complaining about differences in dinner portions between his brother and himself. Even if it's true, does it make a difference? Are your portions going to change?

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