I'm thinking about grabbing a Casual team but I don't know how you guys get the right dot in the plays. If I want pHB into inside run plays and rHB into pass plays.. how is that done? It can't just be a roll of the dice each play based on stamina right?
Forum > Casual Leagues > How does a Casual team slot so runners get run plays, scats get route plays?
More questions:
Can I create my own AI Preset and the team will run off that instead of the Basic or the Pre-sets?
Can I create my own AI Preset and the team will run off that instead of the Basic or the Pre-sets?
Originally posted by dusk883
I'm thinking about grabbing a Casual team but I don't know how you guys get the right dot in the plays. If I want pHB into inside run plays and rHB into pass plays.. how is that done? It can't just be a roll of the dice each play based on stamina right?
The preset gameplans utilize the following depth chart setup:
QB = Passing QB
QB1 = Rushing QB - only used for Wildcat preset
QB2 = All QB's - this slot is seldom used for anything but handoffs/pitches
RB = Primary Rusher
RB1 = Power Back/Inside Runs
RB2 = Receiving/Scat Back
FB = Primary Rusher
FB1 = Blocker
FB2 = Receiving/Scat Back
TE/TE2 = Receiver
BTE/TE1 = Blocker
I'm thinking about grabbing a Casual team but I don't know how you guys get the right dot in the plays. If I want pHB into inside run plays and rHB into pass plays.. how is that done? It can't just be a roll of the dice each play based on stamina right?
The preset gameplans utilize the following depth chart setup:
QB = Passing QB
QB1 = Rushing QB - only used for Wildcat preset
QB2 = All QB's - this slot is seldom used for anything but handoffs/pitches
RB = Primary Rusher
RB1 = Power Back/Inside Runs
RB2 = Receiving/Scat Back
FB = Primary Rusher
FB1 = Blocker
FB2 = Receiving/Scat Back
TE/TE2 = Receiver
BTE/TE1 = Blocker
Originally posted by dusk883
More questions:
Can I create my own AI Preset and the team will run off that instead of the Basic or the Pre-sets?
Basic tactics & Presets only, no custom AI preset
The custom slots above only work on presets not with the basic tactics
More questions:
Can I create my own AI Preset and the team will run off that instead of the Basic or the Pre-sets?
Basic tactics & Presets only, no custom AI preset
The custom slots above only work on presets not with the basic tactics
Border Runners
Originally posted by dusk883
More questions:
Can I create my own AI Preset and the team will run off that instead of the Basic or the Pre-sets?
You can create an AI then submit it to Bort and it would be added to available presets , if Bort approves it.
More questions:
Can I create my own AI Preset and the team will run off that instead of the Basic or the Pre-sets?
You can create an AI then submit it to Bort and it would be added to available presets , if Bort approves it.
Make sure your playbook is set up to utilize pHB for inside runs and rHB for https://tunnelrush2.org passing plays. This involves designing or selecting plays that align with each player's strengths.
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