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Forum > FAQ's, Player Guides and Newbie Help > Roughly, how much does EL (player value) increase from L69 to L79
Obviously this will vary by dot, but does anyone have rough examples or estimates of how much EL his increases for 3, 4, 5 major dots on their last 10 boosts?
TJ Spikes
Edit: This is a great question. It's making me reconsider everything I think I know about PV. I get the feeling this answer is way off.


There's no way to answer that in general terms. The swings are huge from dot to dot.

You'd get 60 from the boosts, plus the 25 bonus SPs. The SPs become attribute points which could be a couple high attribute points or many low attribute points or a few SA points. That's all constant.


The ALGs are base of approximately 12.5 or so, multiplied by whatever the attributes are.
So going from 104.4 to 106.5 would be worth +4 PV, from 26 to 30.

The rest would be training roll overs, and I don't even know the increase from like, one of your Speedster builds rolling from 114 to 115 Speed. Again huge increases in PV for a single attribute point. It's literally off the charts and I've never taken an attribute that high myself.

I guess you could probably ballpark 110 on a well built dot
Edited by TJ Spikes on Jun 1, 2024 08:01:11
Edited by TJ Spikes on Jun 1, 2024 07:56:43
Edited by TJ Spikes on Jun 1, 2024 07:41:23
Theo Wizzago
The stats I have on it suggests a sort of Bell Curve which is because of how we build dots.
When we start, it rises slowly because we're only working on one skill (intense training) while everything else gets ALG boosts.
Once you switch to multi-training it rises faster because you're now raising 4 skills (+alg boosts on the rest) as well as spending SP's on more than just the primary as capping at prime times becomes a thing.
This generally peaks out whenever you make the switch from multi-training to light training for BT's... as well as the fact that it becomes much more expensive to raise a skill with SP's... and the fact that ALG's are giving you much less boost.

So from 69 to 79 you're not going to gain a lot. TJ is probably in the ballpark with 110.
225 on a 3 AEQ DE test I just ran
Keep in mind the script that shows PV on Skill Points page is not accurate when doing tests with VPB.

Even my level 74 dots don't line up with that script.

My L79 DT with 1547.60 PV only shows 1529.78 on that PV script.
still much closer to 200 ish than 100. even light training at that point most builders avg around 19 points per level so 10 levels =190ish
TJ Spikes
yeah 200 is probably a closer real world ballpark, with well built dots.

in the VPB ...

on a STOP dot with rounded attributes I'm starting at 1140, I boost 10 times to 1303, and then training just 3 attributes and that's 1332 total. That's almost 200 on a "sub par" build

on a much more "typical" dot I'm gaining almost 200 with boosting alone.

On a simple dot, with fewer attributes, north of 200 wouldn't be unreasonable because the attributes can go higher

I don't have an "extreme" dot handy to check with

Depending how hard the primary got pushed, somewhere between 190-240, is the ball park I get.

The more extreme the primary, the higher on that range it should end up, since the bracketing of the caps gets so tiny at 104+
Thanks for the feedback guys, fully appreciated!

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