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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Ready to start again ... tips?
Missouri Blue
Hey fellas! I used to play way back in the day - had some great times! Been thinking about jumping back in during the summer. Willing to invest some time and cash for old times sake, but I'm not sure what's changed. What's the best way to jump back in? I see today is day 40 of S106. When is the best day to create new bots?
welcome back, I'm coming back as well after 10 years or something.. Wish I knew the answer to your question but hope to see you on the field soon!
Anytime between now and day -1 (Maybe even 0) of next season
TJ Spikes
The biggest change is the pace.

Dots are fully grown in 4 seasons now. Taking a few days off isn't a thing that can happen anymore, without falling behind.

Other than that, everything is mostly the same, depending on when you left. There were a few VA tweaks and stuff like that but nothing earth shattering since maybe Knock Loose was invented..?

but yeah,,, great time to get involved, you've got about a week, and there's no advantage to sooner or later, it's all the same.


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