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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Training question for my WR
So I've been multi training skills 1 through 4, and now skill 1 is at 11th cap, and other 3 skills are all basically at 48 the 1st cap. Do I keep training these skills or should I start training stuff like confidence and stamina or etc.
TJ Spikes
There's a million different answers to that.
The short one is that 48 is a good place to be training attributes, up to ~52.

The longer answer is:

Originally posted by

As posted elsewhere....

TL;dr version

So for the average human brain, peak hopping is the best way to do things. Which is the way we've always done things. Train to approximately 30 and then boost up. Then train a couple times to score a roll over, then boost up again. Then boost again when you can. Hop to the 49 peak, to the 61 peak, to the 68 peak.

The difference between what used to be optimal and what is now optimal is that getting to 68 right out of the gate was never possible before. You had to do some quantum physics to get to a 61. With so many boosts available, combined with huge chunks of Training Points, we can get attributes higher than we ever used to be able to, before the players even gain 1 day of age.

"The Slug-sheets"

Originally posted by slughead42

I saw people bemoaning that document getting vanished from the interwebs and thought, hey, I could re-do those! And it turns out, yeah, I did, although it was much less straightforward than I thought it would be.

So, here's some links. They're all Google Sheets (spreadsheets), you should be able to view them but not edit them, but if you save your own copy either as a Google Sheet or Excel or whatever, you should be able to play around with them however you'd like.

Caveats: I spot checked these quite a bit, and I think that all the values are precisely what the GLB website gives under the same conditions, but if anyone finds discrepancies or problems or if I completely whiffed on something somewhere, PLEASE pm me and let me know.

There are 2 graphs in each sheet for Light, Normal, Intense, and 4X Multi, the first graph is the way the old one was done, just the SP value per train, but the second graph adds in the actual SP value (as in the actual BT gained/15) to each training level. This becomes more interesting in the final graph I will link, which shows that Total SP gained per train for each training type (at 20% enhanced training level for each one, I thought that the best compromise) together on the same graph. I find it interesting, hopefully others might as well.

I'm not sure why I'm driven to do projects like this, I'm sorry.

Light train tables/graphs:

Normal train tables/graphs:

Intense train tables/graphs:

4X Multi train tables/graphs:

Combined comparison training table/graps:


So for starters....

How do we use these charts? It's actually an improvement over the MandyRoss charts because they're interactive. It took me a long time to realize that. At first they were just sort of a funny looking duplicate.

However, when you hover over the lines with your cursor, little grey circles will appear along the entire line, and also the point you're hovering on will get specific data. In this case, I hovered over 10 on the 50% enhancement line.

This is the amazing thing that the MandyRoss charts couldn't do. Why is that useful?

Because you can see exactly the "THEORETICALLY" (with emphasis) theoretically most optimal time to boost base on whatever training you are currently doing "in real time"

Disclaimer: The reason primary reason all of this is theoretical, is because we don't know if we'll always have boosts available. At some point in time we'll be forced into inefficient training.

We also will be gaining more and more TPs which become BTs, so at some point in time we'll switch from 20% to 30% or even 40 or 50%, so all of that changes things also.

For example: Dot X

Currently on 4-way training, Strength, Carry, Speed all have the 40% enhancement, Stamina has the 20% enhancement

Strength is at 62 and on the verge of a roll over. That's a great place to look.

The chart shows that this training session would be worth 0.77 SPs. (that's the % training gain of the current SP cost of an attribute)

Let's assume the dot had the ability to boost, and wasn't sure if they wanted to. The next "peak" he could get to would be 68.

If he chose to boost and cap his way up to 68, and the the training happened, the he would get 0.80 SPs out of it. So in this case boosting, to get to the next peak, is a good idea.

wtf Is peak hopping?

Peak hopping is the process of boosting so that you go from wherever you are, to the next peak, so you skip over a stretch of inefficient training.

It's going to be different for every attribute in every training type with every training enhancement level.

What someone could do is make a simple-ish chart based on that.

Give the crossover points for every attribute and training enhancement and training type.

So one example could be...

when starting a new dot. If we assume a standard start, where you immediately buy the 10% enhancement, then intense train 3 times, then buy the 20% enhancement.
When do you boost that attribute?

The 49 Peak, gets you 0.56 SPs per Intense training.

At 31, that training gain drops to 0.55 SPs, so the most mathematically optimal time to boost is at 30.

Then, since we have multiple boosts available, the 61 peak gets you 0.51 SPs. So the most mathematically optimal time to boost again is at attribute 51, because 52 only gets you 0.48 SPs per train.

The next peak is at 68 which gets you 0.52 SPs per Intense train if at 20% still. That means you should immediately boost from 61 to 68 if you have the ability to do so, because every training session you could do after that will be worth more SPs.

Ok thank you. I figured there was a certain level most people agree to stop training so it's good to know that.

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