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Forum > Suggestions > BT's and VXP exchange.
Theo Wizzago
Since we've gone to this new system, the VP system has created a... um... strange thing? Every dot has 400 VXP at the end because we all start, and end, getting VXP at the same time now as it's seasonal based... not level based. No more 'boost on day so-n-so' to get more VXP. And, since it looks like the VP system is still on the old game style, we end up with 400 worthless VXP at end of player build.
And, we no longer finish a dot with extra XP left over (everyone at 0) that we can exchange for TP.
So I propose that we be able to exchange BT's for VXP in order to bring that to 0 as well, giving us one extra VP (which I don't think would break the system).

Just throwing out a rough guess but 30 (cost of one AEQ upgrade) or 50 or even 100 BT's exchanged for 600 VXP (at plateau only) would bring the VXP to 0 and give you 1 extra VP.

If not that then the ability to exchange 400 VXP for extra BT's would be nice. Say around 5 BT's? Or maybe 2 TP's?
It just seems a waste of 400 VXP's as it currently is now. (IMHO)
Edited by Theo Wizzago on Apr 13, 2024 06:45:58
King of Bling
why not just round out 1 extra VP at the end to put on OTK?

As you said, 1 VP will not break game...
Theo Wizzago
That'd work as well. I just tossed out several options so Bort would have them to work with.

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