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Forum > Suggestions > One maned teams
Why, don't they take ALL these teams where the owner makes all the builds? And make a league of their own. It doesn't matter what league they're in THEY always win. The rest of us would like a chance now and then to be on a winning team. I have been playing this since 2006 and this is my BIGGEST frustration.
Originally posted by Murf
Why, don't they take ALL these teams where the owner makes all the builds? And make a league of their own. It doesn't matter what league they're in THEY always win. The rest of us would like a chance now and then to be on a winning team. I have been playing this since 2006 and this is my BIGGEST frustration.

This is not true. Stop whining and get better. Here is proof
bluest blues
Originally posted by Murf
Why, don't they take ALL these teams where the owner makes all the builds? And make a league of their own. It doesn't matter what league they're in THEY always win. The rest of us would like a chance now and then to be on a winning team. I have been playing this since 2006 and this is my BIGGEST frustration.

I will have to back Roc up on this, here is another 1 man team.
And from what I always seen from the agent even before the crash is he always built his own dots.

And can you tell me how you been playing since 2006 when the game didn't come out till 2008 ?

TJ Spikes
Coming from someone who built about half of the dots on my own team

It's not as big of an advantage as you'd think.
There's really 2 cases...

#1 if you want specific weirdo dots to do dumb things with, like build an all pass blocking O-line for a power run team, build your own specific builds

#2 If you can only round up a bunch of random yahoos that don't know how to play, then you'll be better off building your own dots

There has to be synergy between the dots and the game plan, and that's what building your own team guarantees. However, you can easily get that synergy with other dot builders if everyone is on the same page.

What often happens is great dot builders get sick of other people screwing up their team, so they do everything themselves. A team of all great dots is pretty tough to beat. If you combine that with a great coordinator then that team is really strong. But it's not because one person is doing everything, it's because no one else is screwing things up.

Just get on a team with no one screwing things up for everyone else. Perfect your own builds, and you'll get invited to those teams and networks.

Get good. There's no short cuts. Build more dots, and learn from your mistakes.

Edit: just noticed you're on SAR which is a Sea Wasp network team.
That's as good a place to learn to build as any in the game. Look at the ELs of some of those offense line dots and compare your build to those.
Edited by TJ Spikes on Nov 6, 2023 18:57:43
Originally posted by TJ Spikes
it's not because one person is doing everything, it's because no one else is screwing things up.

Has a one-agent team ever won WL Gold? I can't think of any.

I also can say with certainty that when I've owned my own teams in the past, we didn't find one-agent teams any harder or any easier to beat than multi-agent teams.

So, I disagree with the very premise of the Suggestion, the idea that one-agent teams are somehow invincible. As such, I also disagree with the Suggestion itself.
Kurt Davey
Low level one owner teams can dominate rookie and some other lower leagues just because they sacrifice their end builds for low level golds. They run for a few seasons and them reset and start over.
Edited by .spider. on Dec 21, 2023 13:11:32
zz man
One man teams are tougher in the main than regular teams because they are usually on the same page. More so at lower levels. At the top of the Pro Leagues the best teams all have dots on the same page so that is nutralized and as mentioned the top co-ords start to earn their corn !!

PS coming to a league near you... The Sharp Dressed Men !!!

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