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Well I'm an egomaniac, and probably the best OC in the game without a WL championship (I guess #4 overall though T doesn't have a WL team this season and I hate stupid Mauler, so I'm almost #2'ish). Last season in World League, TSW had the #1 scoring (41.8 ppg), #1 passing, and #2 rushing offense, which isn't horrible.


How do I do this thread?

Ask a question on topics such as...
-Veteran Abilities
-individual play pass progressions
-why is xyz team sucks at offense
-tips on using a specific play
-tips on using custom slots or a certain build type
-how to scout
-OAI layout

I can't really help your casual team, and any advice on offensive gameplan will be from a plateau dot perspective since I haven't used or watch non-plat dots in 90 seasons.

Edited by WiSeIVIaN on Feb 13, 2023 15:03:43
This reminds me of TSE Book!
Originally posted by F00tballJunkie
This reminds me of TSE Book!

Originally posted by F00tballJunkie
This reminds me of TSE Book!

LOL. I didn't purchase, was it sweet?
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
LOL. I didn't purchase, was it sweet?

I didn't either. Never liked that agent. Last I heard 5 sold. I think TJ Spikes bought one. Lets ask him?
TJ Spikes
Ok so.... What value do Possession type WRs bring over Speed/Fake WRs? To put it another way, as an OC constructing a roster, why would you request a Possession WR over the Speedster?

Originally posted by ProRobber
Ok so.... What value do Possession type WRs bring over Speed/Fake WRs? To put it another way, as an OC constructing a roster, why would you request a Possession WR over the Speedster?

Good question!

I want to say this as clearly as possible, the standard built speed receiver (155-160 spd, 90 agi, 90 catching) is a well vetted proven failure at the WL level, and I suggest people stop building this type of player.

The almost nice thing about WR's, is due to being 5 majors and 3 minors (vs the normal 4/4) is the difference between a major and minor attribute isn't that much, so you have a little more freedom in attribute build order.

The advantage of possession receivers, is that they can actually be useful against top level CB's. Height matters (so people should stop generally building 5'8 WR's), and the ability to get a WR that's between 6'3 and 6'6 is advantageous. Also route run is an amazing SA, and 10 route run (before considering "favored") is worth at least 5 spd and 5 agility, making it arguably the best receiving SA in the game for WR/TE/FB/HB since it's so insanely SP efficient.

While a variety of possession builds can be used (how high or low of speed) putting a possession WR with 11 route run and 11 sticky hands and 15 slot machine is incredibly viable, and I'd honestly say is much easier to use correctly than the standard 5'8 160/90/90 WR.

From a game mechanics perspective, if your height + catching + jumping + catch ball% AE is high enough, you can win the anti-PD roll and get first crack at the ball when the QB throws to you, meaning the CB doesn't even get a chance to PD or INT the pass.
Edited by WiSeIVIaN on Feb 17, 2023 14:12:04
Originally posted by Backes-to-Backes
GTFOOH Roaches!
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
Good question!

I want to say this as clearly as possible, the standard built speed received (155-160 spd, 90 agi, 90 catching) is a well vetted proven failure at the WL level, and I suggest people stop building this type of player.

The almost nice thing about WR's, is due to being 5 majors and 3 minors (vs the normal 4/4) is the difference between a major and minor attribute isn't that much, so you have a little more freedom in attribute build order.

The advantage of possession receivers, is that they can actually be useful against top level CB's. Height matters (so people should stop generally building 5'8 WR's), and the ability to get a WR that's between 6'3 and 6'6 is advantageous. Also route run is an amazing SA, and 10 route run (before considering "favored") is worth at least 5 spd and 5 agility, making it arguably the best receiving SA in the game for WR/TE/FB/HB since it's so insanely SP efficient.

While a variety of possession builds can be used (how high or low of speed) putting a possession WR with 11 route run and 11 sticky hands and 15 slot machine is incredibly viable, and I'd honestly say is much easier to use correctly than the standard 5'8 160/90/90 WR.

From a game mechanics perspective, if your height + catching + jumping + catch ball% AE is high enough, you can win the anti-PD roll and get first crack at the ball when the QB throws to you, meaning the CB doesn't even get a chance to PD or INT the pass.

" the standard built speed received (155-160 spd, 90 agi, 90 catching)"
This isn't a Possession WR... this is a poor attempt at a speed or possession WR. You cannot have both and make to work well. Speed = 165+ at the very least... 80-90 Agility... 80-90 catching.
Possession (IMHO) is max height, max weight, 140-155 speed, 95-100 Agility, 95-100 Catching. Not to mention high Vision and Jumping (which most TRUE speed WR's do not have because everything went into speed, agility and catching). The idea behind a Possession arch is to win "contested" catches by having better skills than their defenders. The idea behind a Speed arch is not to have contested catches.
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
" the standard built speed received (155-160 spd, 90 agi, 90 catching)"
This isn't a Possession WR... this is a poor attempt at a speed or possession WR. You cannot have both and make to work well. Speed = 165+ at the very least... 80-90 Agility... 80-90 catching.
Possession (IMHO) is max height, max weight, 140-155 speed, 95-100 Agility, 95-100 Catching. Not to mention high Vision and Jumping (which most TRUE speed WR's do not have because everything went into speed, agility and catching). The idea behind a Possession arch is to win "contested" catches by having better skills than their defenders. The idea behind a Speed arch is not to have contested catches.

I misspelled "receiver" as "received". But nearly all WL speed WR are near that spd/agi/catch range excluding VA's.
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
But nearly all WL speed WR are near that spd/agi/catch range excluding VA's.

Can't build that, IMHO. I know because I have. If you're gonna build Speed you need Speed and the OC that knows how to use it. If you're gonna build Possession then it's the same principal... you need 'possession' skills and an OC that knows how to use it. I can even show you how it works.

Play is game changer. Down 3. Mid-4th quarter. 4th down and 8.5 yards at midfield. We're gonna go for it.

WR is Power Arch, built with possession in mind. Height 6'7". Catching skill 107.94. Level 47 dot.
CB and FS covering him are both 5'8" tall.
That's a HUGE height advantage + all jumping and vision applied. Net result; 1st down. Leads to game winning TD later in the drive.

Had that been a standard Speed WR build, we'd be singing the blues. I'm no guru or prophet or "GOAT" dot builder... or even "GOAT" OC or DC. If I could apply 95% of all I know into what I do I'd be 113% better than I am. But that's me being me. So while I don't know it all, I know enough to be dangerous (to myself especially!) Seriously though. I had to do it wrong 100 times to finally learn that you gotta sell out to make it work. Speed needs speed, speed, speed, speed, speed, speed, and more speed. Possession needs other things to make them work. Trying to use a Speed arch then hedging your build/bet to the possession side of things only creates a dot that's likely not good at either. Especially against the top dot builders in the game.
Maul Rat
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago

Wrong thread
Dr. E
I'm interested in hearing thoughts on progressions. Which receiver do you like to target first second & third. Plus do you look for receivers later in the progression. I always wanted the second guy in the progression as my primary target with the third progression as back up. Only used 5 & 6 for just a chance they get open long and the QB reads it.
Theo Wizzago
Originally posted by Dr. E
I'm interested in hearing thoughts on progressions. Which receiver do you like to target first second & third. Plus do you look for receivers later in the progression. I always wanted the second guy in the progression as my primary target with the third progression as back up. Only used 5 & 6 for just a chance they get open long and the QB reads it.

Me as well. I know I use several approaches... some seem to work exactly as I intend them too... some do not.

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