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Forum > Champion League > S92 Mid-Season Rankings
Originally posted by RyanCane26
Probably something like 4th Street 1-5 then everyone else

To be fair, the top4 I had hasn't changed, just reshuffled a bit. Teams doing different things since my rankings, doesn't make my rankings worse or invalid when they were written.

And #5-8 haven't changed besides Jersey being on a 5-game win streak and taking the inside playoff track from one of those trash- offense Mauler teams.

Taking 4/8 WL playoff spots would be quite a feat, obv. You're playing on another level while I'm just in the corner trying to not make nex/bob mad at me for throwing INTs.
OC/DC Guru
Biased or not, thanks for the write-up Wise, read through the thread moments ago.

Originally posted by King of Bling
I find some of the commentary of the OP inaccurate, biased, or just a lack of research/insight. Since I don't know, I can't say which. Other games have had over-sites, purposeful or otherwise, of inconsistencies involved. Interesting that they are met with a wink and a nod, just ignored or excused altogether, or perhaps just unnoticed. Anyway, you should be a bit more careful when sniping, that you make sure you are not just partial or selective in your notations.

Shall I comment on this one bud?
I believe he may be referring to the Jersey/Florida game where I had mistakenly put s91 depth chart in instead of s92 and those players are no longer on the team and it put our kicker in at qb because of that resulting in the bullshit score that we all can see.
OC/DC Guru
Originally posted by ewinter43
I believe he may be referring to the Jersey/Florida game where I had mistakenly put s91 depth chart in instead of s92 and those players are no longer on the team and it put our kicker in at qb because of that resulting in the bullshit score that we all can see.

Lol, didnt even notice. This happens often when you rely on a tactics calendar. it's not like you ran inside on 3rd and long. And in the context of zeta this season, if it happened the other way around it would have raised eyebrows. I don't think Florida needed a W at all cost since we knew that they would have stayed in WL anyway.

But there was another game this season, where a certain someone tagged a blockTE as receiver and powerHBs as receiver just to stay in the thick of the zeta race. And if you go up time after time against a D, you know which personal group is triggered (5-2,4,3) with a specific group of dots on the field.
Originally posted by ewinter43
I believe he may be referring to the Jersey/Florida game where I had mistakenly put s91 depth chart in instead of s92 and those players are no longer on the team and it put our kicker in at qb because of that resulting in the bullshit score that we all can see.

Thanks for decoding, I thought KoB was singing a confusing song or something!

Kobber, feel free to throw me evidence if appropriate for me to start calling out others for being cheatboxes. Mauler did it blatantly like 12x, and it seems king RC & mystery DC maybe did it once maybe on accident, so not quite the same thing. I'm open to evidence tho, but am I bit too lazy to review 8 years of WL games.

Since RC+MysteryDC seem to be better than everyone at this game, I don't think there's much incentive to collude. Where-as Mauler is a shitty OC who needs the edges he can find.
Originally posted by ewinter43
I believe he may be referring to the Jersey/Florida game where I had mistakenly put s91 depth chart in instead of s92 and those players are no longer on the team and it put our kicker in at qb because of that resulting in the bullshit score that we all can see.

This is why I can't take vacations
King of Bling
The "confusing" song is famous worldwide. Sung by Chaim Topol portraying Tevye, having performed this role more than 3,500 times from the late 1960s through 2009.
Originally posted by Tomcic
Shall I comment on this one bud?

LOL, I would have been interested in hearing that one Tom!O_o

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