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TJ Spikes
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN

========================OP UPDATED 2021 to add VPB Link That WORKS=================================

Easy Steps
1. Download latest version of Firefox:
2. Download Greasemonkey:
3. Download Virtual Player a builder:


**THIS WILL COME** (will give you an EL calculator for VPB builds)

**THIS WILL COME** (will show you how much your major's/minors have remaining in ALG's)


After downloading, go to any player's skill-points page, there is a "start builder" button for you to click below your SA's. Click it.

Follow the prompts, note "ok" is used to show projections/options off of the current player you have selected, while "cancel", will let you build someone from scratch. If building someone from scratch please note that when assigning your "must spend" SP's at the beginning of player building, the script will let you put them all in 1 attribute, but in reality you can't take an atty higher than 25 with them. So 25 in atty1, rest (I think its to 18?) in atty2.

Planning out builds (and posting your results for criticism) is awesome. Also being able to calculate when you need to start light training, while on the fly mid-build, is extremely helpful!


Unrelated but helpful scripts:

GLB Ticket Price Assistant:
Lets you quickly mass-change ticket prices based on their % of the expect price.

Marketplace Filter:
Lets you filter the marketplace by min/max attributes.

Player Value to League Page:
On any league page it creates a "get eff levels" button near the bottom. Click it and it lists effective level rankings along with info on salary, average age, roster size.

Box Score Record Book:
Very cool. You need to click the top or bottom of buttons at the bottom of your team page since some glb copywrite text is over it, but well worth it.

Questions/Problems welcome.
I am the ghost of man who was once Wise. GLB in it's prime was a fun and special thing. My advice to you is not to weep while staring at dotball's death bed, but rather to embrace the great memories and make a few more before it's last breath
Edited by WiSeIVIaN on Jan 13, 2021 10:22:52

I don't know if this is before or after Grease monkey broke everything. I'm using Tamper monkey. There's a couple glitches (like Blocking for defense players) but it's functional enough.
Edited by TJ Spikes on Feb 21, 2022 12:30:36
Cleveland Browns
Kickin' It
Originally posted by TJ Spikes
I don't know if this is before or after Grease monkey broke everything. I'm using Tamper monkey. There's a couple glitches (like Blocking for defense players) but it's functional enough.

Downside is, this isn't the script I'm looking for. I'm wanting the one that could let me pre-make a player, and then when I run the script, it makes that player, and even waits 30 seconds in-between creation to make the next player. (This is super helpful for Pee Wee leagues especially)
TJ Spikes

I had no idea that was a thing that existed

Theo Wizzago
It's been like.. forever since I heard of that script (where it makes players for you). I mean... perhaps even before the game left Beta. I'm sure it's out there in the forums but, after all this time and all the upgrades to browsers, not sure if it would work if you found it.
I know there was like a re-roll script back when you had to roll to make dots. But that’s all I’ve ever heard of.

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