I started this thread so must say a word or two about it. Didn't do it to boast about how awesome we're or "look how many teams we have" but mostly to give info about us and start a thread for people to discuss something about the game and not about masks and "petry" that dominate GLB main. GLB is dying. Pro leagues are a wasteland and I think is a good try to get some agents together and have dreams we can be good and competive up there. I'm in this game from S6 (owner from S8) and was away two times for a long periods of time, was involved twice in small networks without success but never put anything in the name of our team because didn't like networks.
It's the first time I think we're doing something nice. Don't know if any team can be competive in WL (if we get there) but will enjoy our time in the game. If wasn't Jim (and PK before him but that's another story) probably would be another inactive player and gone from here. At least Bort must be happy, I put some $$$ in the game for flex the last year (real time) I'm in here.
As for Mauler, I respect and admire him, I'm a GM in his teams and hope someday to be competive against one of his teams. For those that facepalming my comments, I'll respond with the first line from my sig. Thank you all for reading.