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Forum > Canada > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian Letter--Support
I sent a letter to support:
How do you guys feel about it?

Hi, I go by Gronert, and i just recently recieved a new team in the new Canadian A Leagues. I was very thrilled, and i started to recruit players right away.
As it turns out our first problem was that nobody knew that the Canadian Owners only had 4 grace days to get their entire team. (I believe the African teams had 10 days, right?)
Anyways, some team owners and i had a big discussion about this in the bug forum, and they gave us one more night. However, this is not enough time for the new owners to get a complete roster in.
This is way to short of a time period first of all, and second of all none of the teams had enough money at all to support their players.
Most teams are in the negative team money for this, and i also am in need of some serious money.
No one wants to take a loan so early, because as a fresh new team, you cant afford to pay all of it back, with interest.
Another BIG Concern with the League is that right we had the 4 days of grace, we went right into DOUBLE CHEMISTRY HITS, which also know one knew about!!!
Once again many teams have screwed over chemistry for this, and none of us are really happy about how this is being handeld.
All of the teams are in dire of money, and fast, and it would not hurt for at least 2 more grace days!
I know you guys are always trying to make this game smooth, but i think that this whole Canadian Team thing shouldve had more planning to it.

I mean all of the new teams for this season had a 10 day grace period, and they all started with nearly 10 million in cash.
So how is this fair to any of the Canadian team owners from League A?
Some of the teams still have loads of CPU players, because they cant affort other players!
Other teams have almost -1 million, just from their signings, and thats not going to get any better soon, and once again their is no way they can afford a loan.

So what i am asking for is give at least each team a total of 2 more grace days, and also give each Canadian A League team a total of 5 million in cash.

Thank you, for your support

The rest of the Canadian A League Owners
"no" not "know"
Doubt they'll do anything for you.

Just get your team together, take the chemistry hits and suck it up.
Puvirnituq got ready before grace period was over, and we still have money, so you slightly overgeneralized.

Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.
I think they did something. I was suffering at 10 chemistry and then suddenly about an hour ago it jumped up to 25 (which i promptly dropped again by signing another player). We are still taking double chemistry hits (-4 for a signing). But it seems someone has listened abit.

As for the money issue, I only traded cash for 2 or 3 players and never gave a player more than 10% above minimum. This seem to work since I have over 2 million left.

So I guess the chemistry hits I totally agree with, the money didn't happen to me, but i could see that being a problem.

My team link if you are wondering

I am currently having a little bit of money preoblems but alot of my players have reworked their deals in order to help the team.

I feel that the chemistry thing is just tottaly ridiculous

I made two trades the day of the double hits (without knowing that the double hits had started) and my teams defensive chemistry went in the toilet which maybe cost me the last game (not really sure)

There is absolutely NO way that any team can be completely set after two games.

GLB screwed us over and they need to fix it. possibly put everyones chem back to at least 65 or 70 and take off the double hits but still have regular.

This is totall bs and they need to fix it.

Great Letter Gronert
Actually, the African teams only started out with 500,000 dollars. We were in a much better situation than them in my opinion. Also Titan, I had my team completely set except for one player before my first game, and we had our whole roster set when our first game was done. We only made one signing since then, and it was just to help some players' enrgy, and wasn't completely necessary. I do feel for you guys taking the double chemistry hits though, that sucks.
bohica mike
I had my entire team except 1 player filled within 3 days of team release, AND I did it without any "pre-recruiting". The day I received my team was the day I started recruiting. After I had my team filled, I still had over $2 million in the bank which I have used to build more seats. But, then again, this is my 2nd go around at ownership, so I knew what to expect.

Edit: I spent a total of $911,000 on signing bonuses for 43 average of $21,186/player.
Last edited Jul 3, 2008 12:08:54
Also, Gronert, you are far overpaying your players. You have a lot of guys making 70 to 80 thousand a year, Im not sure what kind of bonuses you gave them though. My highest paid player is my lvl. 14 QB at 68,000 a year. Im paying my players less money, but Im giving them all that they need. WE also have more stadium upgrades than you, but still have 100,000 more dollars. I think you just need to renegotiate with some of your players, and your daily salary costs will go down, and you will earn more money.
Originally posted by bohica mike
I had my entire team except 1 player filled within 3 days of team release, AND I did it without any "pre-recruiting". The day I received my team was the day I started recruiting. After I had my team filled, I still had over $2 million in the bank which I have used to build more seats. But, then again, this is my 2nd go around at ownership, so I knew what to expect.

Edit: I spent a total of $911,000 on signing bonuses for 43 average of $21,186/player.

I only spent 404020 on signing bonuses, but i have done alot of stadium work and had an overloaded roster which i have trimmed down.

My main issue is going from no chemistry hit to double.

Wth shouldnt it have been normal chem hit for the first two days of losing the grace period and maybe double for these last two or something.
Yea, double chemistry hit sucks for you guys.

The only problem the Admins run into is that if they "allow" you teams that spent your chemistry to have it back then it's like giving a free week to your teams only.Those that prepared and followed the chemistry rule will suffer because instead of making moves they stayed out to hold their chemistry at a good level.It's unfair either way you look at it.

If you read Borts chemistry Post it clearly stats new teams will have 4 days grace period.I still don't agree with the double chemistry hit for Canada A Leagues but liek the above guy said.Proper planning would have fixed this entire problem.Good luck
Yukon Don
I have a good chemistry as I spent the weekend recruiting...however I would not mind if my fellow new owners received a grace period through the trade deadline (day 24). That would be approximately one week. I think that is fair...

However I also think the bigger issue is the issue of promoting our top 2 teams into a league they are sorely unprepared for.

Just as an example here are a few teams from the Canada AA#1 league. These are not teams that will be promoted or relegated.

The #6 seed (a middle of the road 6-5 right now) has mostly starters in the lv18-20 range.

The #13 seed (theoretically one of the worst teams that will remain) has mostly level 16-19...they only have 1 starter that could be signed into our league.

Additionally we were not given a chance to build stadium sections, or even sell our tickets at pricing we chose...the tickets were sold out before we received the teams. I built some more seats, but that is a way worse return than a new section.

Give us season 4 together as a group, either uncapped, or cap it at the current AA average, which allows teams to build at least reasonably competitive for a promotion.
I want the level 13 cap to remain for another season with no promotions. It just sucks because once the cap is lifted, we have to get rid of all our original players to sign better players. I really like the players I have now, but It'll be hard to keep up with the level cap being removed. That just kind of sucks.
Our team turned out fine. We had a little trouble at first but worked it through.

I hear what your saying but this is my point of view on the money. If your strategy was to bring in the best players for your team at high levels that is fine but it (and has) cost a lot of money to do that. Other teams mixed young players with high level players and manged its money. I strongly believe that you play within the rules that were set in the beginning even if they are not that favorable.

I'm sure your team will make a lot of the money up as your team should do well. I am against you being able to out bid other teams and then receive more money because your low.
Has it been stated anywhere by an admin that they will definitly be promoting us?
I don't have a fully complete squad yet, but I knew I can't afford to bring in the big dawgs and sit financially happy.

Imo I dont see why admins should do anything, plan carefully

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