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Played GLB in the beginning but haven't played in years. Seen that there was a GLB2 and decided to check it out. I need to fill an entire staff. Will take brand new coordinators.
Detroit Leos
Your best bet is to plan a season or two ahead. Construct a roster to do what it wants to do well and construct a defense that can hopefully stand up against rushing and passing teams alike. Roster building is important for sustained success and as poor initial builds can hinder a team down the line. Research as much as you can on player builds to take care of that portion of ownership. Many threads discuss build concepts and what skills may have more importance than others. I would also look for successful players in the HOF who may have their builds open and you can see what their skill break down is and deem which skills you view as important. You will often see a pattern among the better players at a position that have similar roles on offense or defense. After you have a quality roster envisioned along with build guidelines (if you are recruiting other agents to play for you) then you should begin recruiting. It may be a good idea to have some of your own S* players on the team to avoid overturn at those positions as well as build some positions that are non-glory positions (some positions are harder to replace with free agents as you progress up the tiers and potentially deal with in actives). Gameplanning is important obviously as it will win or lose games for your team easily. As long as your future coaching staff has the drive to succeed then they should become great assets.
I will help.

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