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Forum > Teams Looking For Players > Teams Looking for Coaches > Seasoned Baltimore Giants Looking for a DC and or GM
Looking for someone experienced to help setting up defensive schemes, scouting etc. As well roster/build planning for the future. PM me if you're interested. May not be the best, but we sure are fun to watch and root for.
PM me, we'll talk.
Have a DE I am planning on moving plus I've experience in D.C. a little (about half a season) and I've picked up a few things from it. I've been told I'm a pretty good scouter. As for roster/build planning I can't say much since the one team I'm on pretty much re-signed last season and then got moved to a league where the builds were wrong for league and my "other" team had chemistry issues through half the year due to too many changes in the roster... Not painting a pretty picture, I know, but it does give experience in dealing with less than perfect conditions.
Agent: QuadL (you may have heard of me)
rDE Bruce 'The Hulk' Bannon, Northern Uprising, Seasoned team.

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