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Landry Skins
Skinny Laundry
Ghetto Witch Dr recently made a mafia forum, as all others are outdated. If interested post here or pm me or ghetto.
If you are interested in joining this forum and playing, pm one of the mods at the end of this message. First come, first serve. Here is the gist of the game:


You do not have to be a member of the website to play this game here.


1. Be active in the game no matter what your role is. Inactive players will get replaced or killed off.
2. Do not talk about the game outside your assigned forum, unless your role specifically allows it.
3. Do not quote anything sent to you in a private message. Use your own words if you want to pass along the information.
4. Ask the MOD that is running the game questions if anything is unclear. It is the best way to make sure you understand.
5. Have fun. It is a game, we expect courteous and mature behavior. Play to win but also play the game to enjoy it.
6. Try to post at least once in every game day phase. Days in the game can last as long as needed, but a deadline may be set due to inactivity or length.
7. Do not edit the content of your posts. It is not fair if you post something that some people get to see and others don't. Breaking of this rule can result in a quick death by MOD. The MOD is allowed to edit his/her posts. The MOD is the person running the game.
8. Keep posts about the game and not bring in outside activity as it confuses the game.
9. NO POSTS AFTER DEATH!!!! This will result in being banned from the forum.
11. Nights will be of a set duration announced in the night message. Any night action not received by the deadline is forfeited.
12. Vote in bold. Only Bold votes count. ex. Vote: Landry
13. MODS have the power to adjust the rules to fit their game.
14. Any arguing, bitching or fighting (outside of the game) will result in a Forum ban.

Lynches are done publicly with a needed 50% +1 votes for a kill.


The MOD can adjust to who ever, how many and what they want as far as characters

Townie: Innocent to murder, trying to find the mafia.

Mafia: Guilty to murder, trying to kill all townies.

Doctor (Pro-Town)- Each night the doctor contacts the moderator, choosing one player to protect during the night from a mafia kill.

Cop (Pro-Town)- Each night the cop tells the moderator which player he'd like to investigate and finds out whether they are mafia or town (or specific rule ex: doctor)

Masons: A group of townies that know each other.

Godfather: Head mafia member, sends final decision to moderator

Vigilante: A townie killer. Can choose someone to kill at night. If he chooses the same person as the mafia, the vigilante is killed.

Cult Member: Pms moderator each night (or can choose to skip) one person they wish to join their "cult". If a mafia member, the cult member is killed. If a townie, then the two realize each others role.

Spy: A mafia member who knows the mafia, but the mafia does not know him. He does his best in the day to keep the mafia from getting voted.

Vampire: Is a townie at first but when killed, turns into mafia.

Bus Driver: The bus driver chooses to people to swith places at night. For example if the bus driver picks Player A and Player B, and Player B was targeted by the mafia and Player A was targeted by the cop, Player A would actually be murdered and Player B's identity would be revealed.

Miller: Only used when a cop is also used. Is actually a regular townie and is told he is a regular townie, but if the cop asks to reveal his role the mod says he is guilty.


Cruise Ship - Ghetto Witch Dr


If at any time you have a question, please contact a Forum MOD and they will clarify any concerns up for you. If you would like to be a MOD please contact Ghetto or Landry. MODS can still play in the game as long as they are directly involved with the running of the game.

PM one of these mods:

MOD PF Owner - Ghetto Witch Dr
MOD PF Co-Owner - Landry Skins
MOD - mturner33
Great forum!
come on guys lets get some people in there!!
Edited by kiolb on Aug 10, 2013 13:32:46

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