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Planning on something like this in the end.
Player Value:

strength : 102
speed : 90.36
agility : 94.1
jumping : 6
stamina : 60.36
vision : 62.1
confidence : 40.26
blocking : 92
catching : 8
carrying : 22.26

Top SA Tree: | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Bottom SA Tree: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Additional SA Tree: | 4 |

I assume I would probably put 39 points from EQ in speed, 8 in strength and 8 in blocking. Is there other things I need to consider? If I had to do it over again I would have probably swapped the way I did agility and blocking but I don't think that will kill the build.

Also, ideas on VAs for a blocking FB?
Theo Wizzago
39 in speed would give you and end speed of 129 something, correct? If so, yeah. Works fine. If not, might consider how to get speed around 115-140 (somewhere in between there). Less than 115 ([total] speed) at plateau would, IMO, tend to not get out in front of the HB's fast enough. More than 140 isn't needed though. (Or so I believe.)
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
39 in speed would give you and end speed of 129 something, correct?

I think Downfield Blocker, Outside Blocker, Power Blocker, Great Blocker and Workout Warrior are good choices for VAs. If the dot will also play in ST then you should consider Special Teamer and Distance Runner.

Also, imo, I would aim for 90-95 Blocking (including Great Blocker VA) so those 8 points from EQ will go to Strength.
Originally posted by Lord Jashin
I think Downfield Blocker, Outside Blocker, Power Blocker, Great Blocker and Workout Warrior are good choices for VAs. If the dot will also play in ST then you should consider Special Teamer and Distance Runner.

Also, imo, I would aim for 90-95 Blocking (including Great Blocker VA) so those 8 points from EQ will go to Strength.

Excellent input actually.... thank you.
Another SA to consider for a blocking FB is First Step. It definitely helps the FB get out in front to block from the get go. But you'll need a healthy amount of agility/accelerration and some speed to more or less stay out front until the first block on any given play. Also, believe it or not, he should have a decent amount of vision as well, to make the most effective block on a play. Of course, if the RB your blocking for has low vision, then he won't follow the FBs blocking.
Edited by GearGrinder on Aug 6, 2013 10:42:53
chief c
quick question for the blocking FB builders and OCs out there.
I have to choose between First Step and Lead Block for an AEQ piece for a Lvl 60 bFB we need to retool to block screens and outside for two power backs each with 105 in Speed and both with under 60 in Vision.

Back Up FB Poker (Lv. 60 FB)
Ht/Wt: 6'1", 259lbs

Experience, Skill Points, and Cash
Money: $0
Daily Salary: $6100
Skill Points: 0
Training Points: 4
Bonus Tokens: 0
Veteran Points: 0
Next Level: 650/1000

Physical Attributes
Strength: 86.02
Speed: 122.3 (+38)
Agility: 65.15
Jumping: 20.17
Stamina: 39.13
Vision: 65.15
Confidence: 50.17

Football Skills
Blocking: 86.02
Catching: 20.17
Tackling: 8
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 26.15
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Blocking Abilities
Hands: 3
Lead Block: 3
Spot Blitz: 1
Strong Arm: 1
Pancake: 1

Offensive Abilities
Cover Up: 0
Sticky Hands: 0
Power Through: 0
Quick Cut: 0
Dive for Yardage: 0

Additional Abilities
Cut Block: 0
First Step: 2
Veteran Abilities
Blocking Back: 1
Great Blocker: 15
Power Blocker: 15
Outside Blocker: 15

Current Bonuses/Penalties
Blocking: +6.45

Theo Wizzago
At a top end of 122 speed, I'd be more inclined to 1st step myself. His blocking is decent enough to hold it's own against DB's and some LB's... Strength is ok as well... so 1st step would probably help him most (IMO).
chief c
Originally posted by Theo Wizzago
At a top end of 122 speed, I'd be more inclined to 1st step myself. His blocking is decent enough to hold it's own against DB's and some LB's... Strength is ok as well... so 1st step would probably help him most (IMO).

that's what I was thinking. More velocity, more of a jump start.
but I wasn't sure about the consensus regarding lead block.
Originally posted by chief c
quick question for the blocking FB builders and OCs out there.
I have to choose between First Step and Lead Block for an AEQ piece for a Lvl 60 bFB we need to retool to block screens and outside for two power backs each with 105 in Speed and both with under 60 in Vision.

Let me ask, are you settling for those pieces or are those really what you have been looking for? For my FB I have 2 HB% pieces and a 3rd if I choose to use it; I have 4 pieces already, but I may not use the 3rd HB% piece. My other AEQ is a pancake piece. Honestly, if I want to add FS or Lead Block I can add those cheaply enough using SPs. Just my thinking.
Edited by toobad4u_00 on Sep 12, 2013 13:03:10

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