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Forum > Canada > Canadian A Leagues > Lvl capped leagues - offseason Chem grace period for promoted teams.
I posted this in the Suggestions thread and wanted to see what other Canada A owners thought.

All of the new lvl capped teams that have been added will be disadvantaged if they are promoted to the next league. They will be behind on their average levels, and it will be difficult for them to move up in the long run. In order to make up for the difference in level these teams are going to have to sign much higher players, and doing so will cost their chemistry. Most teams will have to upgrade a significant number of positions to stand a chance at making the playoffs in their new league, this would destroy their chemistry making it even more difficult for them to compete in the new league. So i think it would be nice for those teams to have another grace period once they are promoted, even if it was the 4 days that would be a significant help to those teams. Let me know what you all think.
Yukon Don
My cousin and I added to your thread. We agree with the problem but have a different take on the solution.
Originally posted by rbedgood
My cousin and I added to your thread. We agree with the problem but have a different take on the solution.

yeah i just wanted to through this out as a possible solution and hopefully generate different ideas... otherwise we could see tons of teams throwing the Semi's game.
Yukon Don
That's where my cousin and I feel that your solution isn't strong enough. For example if our team makes it, we actually would still want to win...but we have a group of mostly friends and are signed mostly through season 4 or 5. So a 'chemistry grace period' doesn't help us. However keeping all the teams together for another season does.

I understand there are other teams that wouldn't care about our problem, but I'd say our solution works for them and us....
Originally posted by rbedgood
That's where my cousin and I feel that your solution isn't strong enough. For example if our team makes it, we actually would still want to win...but we have a group of mostly friends and are signed mostly through season 4 or 5. So a 'chemistry grace period' doesn't help us. However keeping all the teams together for another season does.

I understand there are other teams that wouldn't care about our problem, but I'd say our solution works for them and us....

yeah it makes sense, my team is a lot of my real life friends too. It just seems like none of us will be able to compete and i have no idea if Bort has thought about that, or what to do about it, so i wanted to get the discussion started early.
Yeah, I kinda think an additional year at A would be okay with most people. I want to win this season but am not looking forward to moving up if we do. Even the best team in A is going to be 7-10 levels behind the average team in AA.
Last edited Jun 30, 2008 23:06:39
Yukon Don
I season should either be uncapped, or increase the cap to say lv20 or so moving us closer to the AA ranks.
they already said there will be no relegation for canada a
Originally posted by bamaplaya1
they already said there will be no relegation for canada a

really where did they say that... i dont remember reading that post
Will this league be capped next season, or will it be open to bring in any level you like? I was under the impression that the cap will be lifted at seasons end.
the cap will be lifted at seasons end.
Originally posted by bamaplaya1
they already said there will be no relegation for canada a

I got back a PM back from scarletmbb and you are correct there is no relegation for Canada A, but thats because they can't be relegated to a division lower than them, there is no division lower then them, however they will still be promoted at the end of the season which is the problem.

This will probably get me in trouble but here is the PM from Scarletmbb

Originally posted by Scarletmbb

The comment that he posted stated that there would be no relegation. All leagues that are at the bottom of the pyramid have no relegation. Canada A teams should get promoted.

Relegation is not the same as promotion.
Last edited Jul 1, 2008 11:17:50
Originally posted by madet0rder
Relegation is not the same as promotion.

We know that it is not the same. We want a one season grace period before this league starts promotion. To promote a team with a lvl cap into a league that had no lvl cap will create an uneven playing field. Our teams will be at least 6-7 lvl lower because we had a cap and were not allowed to recruit a competitive team.

There should never be promotion from a caped league to an uncapped league.
Here is another interesting idea, that would alleviate some concerns.

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