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how bout looking in the mirror brah. you invented GLB pms with your bitch tantrum at the beginning of the season. now you guys continue to display kuntnedness with you obsession with our team. I dont care about you or that filth hole you represent. eat a bag of crap... I am sure there are hundreds of bags of it on the sidewalks there in the land of hobos.
and now you want to bad mouth my city? thats fucking class right there! im sure your mother is proud she decided not to dig you out with a coat hanger after all...
All of you guys(and gal) are acting like 12 yr old boneheads, but seriously..taking shots at NOLA itself is bad form

fuck those damn guys. all you have to do is look at our reputation in this league and see we have never been the source of poor sportsmanship or trash talk. it has never been our style. we have taken our losses and wins with the same speak. then some douche and his "buddy" create 83479672 players for one fucking team, start talking shit for no reason, and then gets pissed when one of my RECRUITED players makes a joke? we addressed the way you built your team and let it fucking go but you want to start trash talking now?

dont take my joking nature and polite demeanor as weakness or that i wont say something in return, especially when you talk shit about my city! i lost friends and property in that fucking storm you douche bag!

you guys will probably beat us, as your roster is 671349067 deep with high level players, and that is ok. we will continue our way of doing things and you and your buddy can pat each other on the back and give reach arounds and such...

hey, why are those two never on line at the same time?
just sayin...
Originally posted by onepeat
hey, why are those two never on line at the same time?
just sayin...

I think the term is "dissociative identity disorder". He actually believes he's ccgarland, and then he believes he's nolecharlie, and then at some point during the day he turns into one of the other three guys that supposedly run players on his team.

He must have forgotten to take his duloxetine since ccgarland seemed to be the more rational personality, but another must have manifested while he was at the keyboard.

I wonder if he's supposed to be spending his disability checks on GLB?
I read an Agatha Christie novel called "And Then There Were None." It reminds me of nolegarland.

For the non-reading types, just go watch Cusack and Liotta tear it up in "Identity," hell it's based off the book anyway.
Originally posted by onepeat
fuck those damn guys. all you have to do is look at our reputation in this league and see we have never been the source of poor sportsmanship or trash talk. it has never been our style. we have taken our losses and wins with the same speak. then some douche and his "buddy" create 83479672 players for one fucking team, start talking shit for no reason, and then gets pissed when one of my RECRUITED players makes a joke? we addressed the way you built your team and let it fucking go but you want to start trash talking now?

dont take my joking nature and polite demeanor as weakness or that i wont say something in return, especially when you talk shit about my city! i lost friends and property in that fucking storm you douche bag!

you guys will probably beat us, as your roster is 671349067 deep with high level players, and that is ok. we will continue our way of doing things and you and your buddy can pat each other on the back and give reach arounds and such...

hey, why are those two never on line at the same time?
just sayin...

I am sorry about you losing friends and property in the storm. This is just a game and not really important in the grand scheme of things.

But you cant pretend to be totally innocent of trash talk. When we first arrived we were welcomed with a sarcastic post from you peat. You called it good natured fun, but it was still trash talk. We have always conducted our team with respect toward every team we have played against. I don't think we deserve the ridicule thrown our way because we choose to play this game within our family.

I can't speak for Charlie, but you will not hear/read anything else from me this year. I didn't join GLB to make new friends, I have plenty of those in real life. I joined the game to spend quality time with my children and family. I apologize to all those offended by our hobby and hope you can forgive me.
Originally posted by ccgarland

I am sorry about you losing friends and property in the storm. This is just a game and not really important in the grand scheme of things.

But you cant pretend to be totally innocent of trash talk. When we first arrived we were welcomed with a sarcastic post from you peat. You called it good natured fun, but it was still trash talk. We have always conducted our team with respect toward every team we have played against. I don't think we deserve the ridicule thrown our way because we choose to play this game within our family.

I can't speak for Charlie, but you will not hear/read anything else from me this year. I didn't join GLB to make new friends, I have plenty of those in real life. I joined the game to spend quality time with my children and family. I apologize to all those offended by our hobby and hope you can forgive me.

I'll be out on the veranda, since you're already on the cross.

Last edited Jul 1, 2008 00:12:09
Originally posted by ccgarland
Originally posted by onepeat

fuck those damn guys. all you have to do is look at our reputation in this league and see we have never been the source of poor sportsmanship or trash talk. it has never been our style. we have taken our losses and wins with the same speak. then some douche and his "buddy" create 83479672 players for one fucking team, start talking shit for no reason, and then gets pissed when one of my RECRUITED players makes a joke? we addressed the way you built your team and let it fucking go but you want to start trash talking now?

dont take my joking nature and polite demeanor as weakness or that i wont say something in return, especially when you talk shit about my city! i lost friends and property in that fucking storm you douche bag!

you guys will probably beat us, as your roster is 671349067 deep with high level players, and that is ok. we will continue our way of doing things and you and your buddy can pat each other on the back and give reach arounds and such...

hey, why are those two never on line at the same time?
just sayin...

I am sorry about you losing friends and property in the storm. This is just a game and not really important in the grand scheme of things.

But you cant pretend to be totally innocent of trash talk. When we first arrived we were welcomed with a sarcastic post from you peat. You called it good natured fun, but it was still trash talk. We have always conducted our team with respect toward every team we have played against. I don't think we deserve the ridicule thrown our way because we choose to play this game within our family.

I can't speak for Charlie, but you will not hear/read anything else from me this year. I didn't join GLB to make new friends, I have plenty of those in real life. I joined the game to spend quality time with my children and family. I apologize to all those offended by our hobby and hope you can forgive me.

Come on man...nobody is offended by you...whomever brough Katrina in to the argument was being a bit of a dirtbag...thats way over the top...other than has been pleasant.

I think...for you to at least get an idea of where any animosity as to your teams ownership should consider how hard it is run a franchise the way everyone else is.

1) You dont have to recruit...thats a HUGE plus.
2) You dont have to worry about playing time for everyone or who starts.
3) You have an overall rating of 42. The only other teams with an over all rating of 42 that I could see,are the teams in the USA Pro of them the Chicago Mustangs. You get a 42 rating by having at least two deep at every position with a Lvl 20. guys basically purchased your entire team to get that. Or two of you did. In case you hadnt have the huge advantage of two to three levels every time a sub has to play. You cant deny that advantage...and to really sit back and pretend like you dont know what everyone is talking about just adds vinegar to the wound.

You seem like cool like you and all. But its frustrating when you have to spend as much time as we do to field a solid team..and then up pops Atlanta from USA BBB with a team built by Master Card. So thats where the comments come in....

vt hit the nail on the head. No worries though i know the teams coming up from the BBB 15 next season and they are both high quality acts. So once atlanta is gone we can go about our business
Don't send that scum our way. I want onepeat and Nola! to come and join the glory that is AA4. We need some spicy gumbo in that league. I also want some more of that cheap vodka you all have.
I think it was peat who brought Katrina into this. I would never make light of a tragedy like that. I know Charlie actually volunteered after Katrina and was in NO for about 3 weeks with GA power.

Dolfan, we do have an advantage over the guy trying to get 40 different personalities on the same page each week. But this game is loaded with guys not doing this. You have a guy that owns a team that has friends that own teams and they can swap players out and run farm system. Not to mention the owners who have 10 fake accounts with 2 players on each that they blend in within their roster. We could have taken this route and created 5 legitimate accounts and then a ton of fake accounts, but we didn't. Maybe in hindsight that is what we should have done to appear more acceptable. But we aren't doing anything that many others are doing, we are just being transparent and honest to the makers of the game.

Recruitment- If I wanted to be involved with recruiting I would. I have no desire to nor need to recruit. If Charlie, Sam, Austin or Alex want to recruit someone they can. We play the game for the building of the players and watching the dots. Maybe down the road we add some more people into the mix. I don't think when we do it will make us better GLBers.
We do worry about playing time. We want to continue to level our players evenly. There are also egos involved in playing time and stats because we all control our own separate players. My son was extremely PO'd when his running back only got 4 carries in the last game while his cousin got 3 times that amount. We have a terrible time with WR's because 3 different people have WR on the team. Unfortunately we cant fully control who gets thrown to but we are trying.

Those scouting bars mean very little as far as the actual skill of the teams. We would get beat like a drum by most of the Pro teams even though our scouting bars are similar. Look at KG's lineup and ours. I will take theirs everyday. Dallas has a roster full of studs.

I am going to assume you have used your CC or your team wouldn't be nearly as good as it is. I am not calling anyone a hypocrite, but when we start down this path the hypocrisy is mind-numbing. This game is about the purchasing of players. The successful teams boost while those that don't get relegated. We are no different than 5 guys from or the Ford plant starting a team and playing together except we are related. I should not have to defend our team because what we are doing is within the rules of the game.

Originally posted by DeathKnight000
vt hit the nail on the head. No worries though i know the teams coming up from the BBB 15 next season and they are both high quality acts. So once atlanta is gone we can go about our business

And we are not high quality? Good lord-
Im not asking you to defend all. But I did ask that you take into account our perspective on the issue, that is all. There are no rules against doing alot of things in this game..but some of them lead to a backlash from other owners...and yours has done exactly that. Youve made it less by the fact that you are good guys...but from time to time...your gonna catch flack...just the nature I suppose.

Youve done a good job with that you have..certainly your family members have created good players.

Obviously we all purchase players...thats not what I was talking about. You KNOW what I was talking about...anyways...good luck to both teams today. Itll be fun to watch.

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