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Forum > University Leagues > ~Evil Empire presents Dot Wars~ (Season 32 Edition)
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
~<>~Evil Empire Dot Wars Tournament~<>~

Dot Wars is the Official Tournament Run By the Evil Empire.
All teams are welcome to join if there is a tournament for their age group.
There is no Specific Tourneys for Casual Teams at the moment but they are welcome to join and compete against regular teams.
How ever Regular teams will be allowed to use all AI options when versing a Casual Opponent. (we may get a casual specific one in the future).
There will be 9 different tourneys each tourney will feature 16-32 teams.
If a bracket has reached 32 teams already, then your team will not participate in this season's tourney but will have a reserved spot in next seasons brackets.

Games are to be scheduled by either team and the challenge can be sent by either owner.
The games are required to have play off over time rules and be ranked but there is to be no home team advantage or Private game.
Timing of games and when they have to be scheduled by will be determined by how many teams are in that group and by the bracket maker of that group.
If a team does not accept a challenge before the deadline they will be disqualified.
If both teams don't send a challenge both will be disqualified. trying to make a game with home team advantages or private game will result in disqualification unless the mistake is fixed quickly and its deemed an honest mistake.
Throwing a game (e.g. QB kneels all game or on purposely losing) will result in that team and owner being unable to participate in future tourneys.
If it is found that the team that won the game that was on purposely lost was aware of what the other team was doing and was in support of it they will be disqualified and shown the same punishment.
Salary Morale Bonus are allowed

Setting up Tournament Games:
[X] This friendly is ranked and should be taken seriously
[X] Use playoff-style overtime rules

We have 2 different types of Officials in the tourney Bracket/Schedule Makers and Ruling Officials.
All Officials will show no Favoritism or prejudice against any teams in the tourney.
All Schedules will be randomized.
The ruling officials word is law. If any Officials do show favoritism or prejudice they will be stripped from the officiating role and banned from the tourney including any teams they may own.
If you would like to know more about the roles of the Officials in the Tourney please send me a pm I would be happy to explain in depth

Once you sign Up for the Tourney you will be given a private forum invite to the EE Tourney PF were everything will discussed tracked etc

Ok so now the boring bits over lets show you what your really want trophies
The Official Evil Empire Tournament Trophies: (by dusk883)
(Tournament Trophies will be GLB Issued)

Each bracket will also have its own tourney MVP.
MVP's will receive 2 personalized custom Tournament MVP Avatars to choose from for their Player. (Not GLB Issued)

If you have any Complaints Please send me a pm.

If you would like to Know more about the Evil Empire please click this link or send me a pm and I'll explain it to you
Edited by Team Nucleus on Dec 3, 2012 23:36:51
Edited by Team Nucleus on Nov 30, 2012 15:11:53
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Looking for some more teams to fill this bracket.
For our tournament history and current list of Season 32 Tournament Entries go here
C'mon! We need 6 more people!
Any Univ team not signed up for this is admitting they are inferior to the Panthers! I will take this tournament!
Edited by Pnthrz1 on Dec 6, 2012 19:06:54
Dub J
I would but I'm totally redoing my OAIs and packages. By the time I finish watching replays, culling plays out of packages, and adjusting inputs/outputs I'll be pretty worn out. lol
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Signups are now officially closed.
Join us next season.


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