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Tyler King
Deep QB, and kind of wondering how to build him.
I'm sort of new to this game and don't get all this soft cap stuff, can someone explain it please.

Currently, this is my build, and I have 15 SP to use:

Any advise is appreciated.

soft cap means when you took the attribute high enough to where it takes more SPs to go up a point. Click on the bonus tokens tab and unlock his enhancements for throwing. Intense or normal train his throwing until you can 3 star enhance it. Only put SPs into throwing until at least 83. I prefer 86.
You should not have boosted the player yet... If its a free dot you probably will not get a second QB by redoing the dot. Now you will not reach the first soft cap at day 48 of this season if you dont make a new QB. When you have made your build you have to save the first 15 SP, enchance throwing to 10%, intense train it untill you get 12 BT, enchance 20%, intense train to day 48, buy 1 SP with BT, then you put your SP to throwing so that you get it to the first soft cap, then boost to lvl 4... If you cant get your throwing to 33 by day 48 then you cant cap it before boosting!

The soft caps:
Edited by kakashi on Nov 27, 2012 16:11:07
Tyler King
Originally posted by kakashi
You should not have boosted the player yet... If its a free dot you probably will not get a second QB by redoing the dot. Now you will not reach the first soft cap at day 48 of this season if you dont make a new QB. When you have made your build you have to save the first 15 SP, enchance throwing to 10%, intense train it untill you get 12 BT, enchance 20%, intense train to day 48, buy 1 SP with BT, then you put your SP to throwing so that you get it to the first soft cap, then boost to lvl 4... If you cant get your throwing to 33 by day 48 then you cant cap it before boosting!

The soft caps:

Oh, well I didn't know much strategy, so I already boosted .
I have 18 SP to use, and my throwing is 42 right now.

I also didn't do the training correct as I have used my BT to activate multi trains.

I assume I cant retire and restart the free player?
Yes you can retire your free player and do it again... Your free players will be there as long as you play this game! But you will not be able to make a QB because you cant make players that are in low demand with your free player and i checked, QB and HB are in low demand as expected
Ya if it's a free dot then retire and start over
How Much does QB Strength count for in a Deep passing QB ?

Should throwing Still be # 1 on his list and #2 Strength # 3 Vision or ?
Tyler King
OK I got my throwing to 48. Am I supposed to boost to level 4 today now?
Buy one SP wit BT so that you get it to 49 and then boost, your ALGs will take your throwing to 51. If you dont have the 15 BT then your time is getting a bit short... If you dont have the time to remake him then just boost. If you dont know where you can change BT to SP, you click on Bonus tokens and choose perm bonus!

And for the question above, i think all throwing dots should have throwing as their first and main attribute. Strength and vision should be about the same at end of career, for a deep passer that throws a lot of long throws takes strength a bit higher
Edited by kakashi on Nov 30, 2012 18:28:13
Tyler King
How do I build him from here on out?
You keep on intense/normal train throwing until 68-73 (73 probably better). Then unlock 4 way multitraining, start training your 3 main attributes and one minor and keep on putting SP in throwing until probably 85+ (you should still continue training Throwing, after it hits 100 the training gain will go too low for it to be worth training anymore). Allways save your SP to the point where you can reach the next cap (meaning you save the 18 SP you have from boosting and you ad them when you can get throwing to 61)
Tyler King
Originally posted by kakashi
You keep on intense/normal train throwing until 68-73 (73 probably better). Then unlock 4 way multitraining, start training your 3 main attributes and one minor and keep on putting SP in throwing until probably 85+ (you should still continue training Throwing, after it hits 100 the training gain will go too low for it to be worth training anymore). Allways save your SP to the point where you can reach the next cap (meaning you save the 18 SP you have from boosting and you ad them when you can get throwing to 61)

Is it better to accel or intense train throwing? How do you decide?

Edited by Tyler King on Dec 4, 2012 10:33:38
Tyler King
Can someone answer if it is better to accel or intense train my throwing? Are the 2 extra bonus tokens of training on normal worth it, or should I just intense train?

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