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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > The Roaring Tusk - S30, Week 3 Rankings
A sad, sad week that saw a mere 3-4 games of any importance and only one of those, RnR vs Uganda, lived up to expectations. Next week's a little better with TAP vs WWR, Uganda vs Sahara and Spring Hill vs BSS really standing out.

In other news, I have an interview lined up this afternoon so everyone wish me luck!

TAP (3-0) - Preyed on the weakened Longhorns but how will they fare hunting down bigger game when they face the Rhinos next week.

Axis (3-0) - Coasting through the season so far and, if they get past the Joes, this squad should be undefeated heading into a week 7 match up with TAP.

Windhoek (3-0) - Been a fairly boring season for the Rhinos but that all changes next week when they try to unseat the top ranked Predators.

Sahara (3-0) - After giving up the first 3 points to the Yaks we saw Sahara put up 34 straight for the easy win. I'll take the credit since my CB kicked off the scoring with a pick 6 . But seriously, impressed with the way this squad has performed through 3 games although not sold on how well they'll handle teams like TAP, Axis and WWR.

Uganda (3-0) - Back and forth game against RnR that saw the lead change multiple times throughout the 4th Q. In the end Uganda came up with a nice 35 yd TD play to seal the win.

Cult (3-0) - Big win for Cult against the first real team they faced this season. Took a huge lead in the first and made it insurmountable by the time halftime rolled around. Should coast again for next 2 and then they face TAP.

RnR (1-2) - It's been a tough start to the season but things ease up now and RnR should take the next 2 before heading into a showdown with the Joe's.

Average Joe's (2-1) - Hard to win if you can't protect the QB and the Joe's gave up 14 hurries and 4 sacks. The problem is compounded when you fall behind by 35 points at halftime. Was tempted to move the Joe's up based on record but honestly I still feel RnR is better. Not to mention that by the time the 2 squads face off week 6 they should both be 3-2.

CWE (1-2) - Bye week win and next week will be the same.

Austin (2-1) - This might have just been the last W they'll see for the next 3 weeks as they face competent teams. Moving them up a spot but not sure they deserve it yet.

Yaksmen (0-3) - I know the schedule hasn't been the easiest but I thought we'd see some improvement here this season. At least next week is a bye.

Boston (0-3)
Pottsville (0-3)
Texas (1-2)
Free-Lancer Army (0-3)
-Cult- (0-3)

Philly (3-0) - I haven't had any reason to even open up the game reviews for Philly lately. But I do get some enjoyment out of watching HB Mchaggis avi bounce away. D-Cup dots indeed.

Rwanda (2-1) - Easy shutout win over the Sons. Boring me for another week until they face BSS.

Spring Hill (3-0) - Good run so far this season but can they keep it up against BSS next week.

Republic (2-1) - 3 more weeks of utter boredom before playing a team that will be a big threat to them.

ICB (2-1) - God this season is a bore. So many bye weeks. ICB should coast for 4 more weeks barring a collapse.

BSS (3-0) - Over 250 rushing yards and almost 400 passing yards. Nice day at the beach for the Sunami. Can this Sunami squad overturn the Pirates ship next week?

Asmara (1-2) - Ouch. Who showed up on the field against BSS? Surely not the Asmara team I expected to. Good news, next 2 are cakewalks.

AquaBats (3-0) - Yeah, yeah. I know. They've had a cupcake schedule. But 3-0 has to count for something.

SoA (0-3) - Hard to stay positive with the lopsided games they've been in this season. Unfortunately, it won't get better any time soon. Sadly, this is a good time that is outleveled and facing 6 playoff contenders in the first 6 weeks.

Voodoo (1-2) - Here's what we know about the Voodoo so far this season. They can handle CPU teams with the greatest of ease. Top tanked teams, not so much.

Vol Nation (0-3) - At least the losses are being constrained to double digits and not triple. Next 7 not so tough so should rack up a few wins.

Kirkland (2-1) - Haven't faced anyone very good yet so I expect a monumental significant crash in the second half of the season if not earlier.

OffTopica (0-3) - Gonna be another one of those seasons for yello1 and the crew over at Word.

Steiner (1-2) - Kirkland up next so a decent matchup for the Dawgz.

Kenosha (0-3)
The South Rangers (0-3)
ty e
Iron Lungz
Good Luck e

and thanks for doing these, the best
Originally posted by AZSEAfan

Lots of references to BSS in that Elephant write-up!

Don't forget, you were all warned:
Good Luck e.. thanks for taking the time to do these today!!
Originally posted by P@nda
Lots of references to BSS in that Elephant write-up!

Don't forget, you were all warned:
Originally posted by ecrana

Asmara (1-2) - Ouch. Who showed up on the field against BSS? Surely not the Asmara team I expected to. Good news, next 2 are cakewalks.

My best guess is that Bort put in a CPU team in our place. At least I hope that's what happened because that was just embarrassing.
Originally posted by Salesman
Good Luck e.. thanks for taking the time to do these today!!

Originally posted by Tim26

The only pirates that Sunami fears are the Black Sea Skulls...
You pick
Thanks e!

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