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Like to hear your guys' feedback there...get some Oceanic representation on the topic.
Bill Maher
just threw a couple of ideas up there
He`s whining because he could`nt get a team in the USA league.

Go cry to your mommy. Maybe she`ll give you a BIG hug to make it alllll better.
Sin City
Last edited Jun 29, 2008 21:57:06
Originally posted by dencon156
He`s whining because he could`nt get a team in the USA league.

Go cry to your mommy. Maybe she`ll give you a BIG hug to make it alllll better.

That, or he thinks he should just be able to magically get every player he sends an offer to. Crazy thing is, he really does have better talent than every other team in his league. Why argue the point?
Some people play in USA leagues because of the region: "USA". It is what it is. Some agents prefer the "prestige" of the USA region, others prefer to be a part of a winning team with an enjoyable atmosphere. I respect the latter far more. However, changing the name won't do a bit of good. It's not going to take a rocket scientist to figure out that the team with the most leagues is the "Old USA" region, now known as the "Chattawakalachakooie" region. In addition, most posters would just call it the "Old USA" region, anyway.

I've read the whole thread, from top to bottom. Honestly, he doesn't provide sound reasoning for changing the regions (and he certainly doesn't focus on changing league names or conference names). It appears that he just wants to stockpile talent, and he's run into a brick wall with some elite players. No support from me. Work hard, make good contacts, and do the best with the players you're blessed to receive.
Last edited Jun 30, 2008 00:09:13
I don't agree with this guy. Who cares what the leagues are called. What he should be calling for is a true Inter-Region Champion to be crowned. Yeah, USA has a lot of leagues, cause it started first. I imagine, well, if I was Bort, I'd eventually do this, upgrade the Regions every season until the regions are matched. You have true pros in all regions that will paly each other during the "off-season" while all the other teams are recruiting for the next season... a lot less load on the servers since they will only run a few games a day. They could also prep everything to roll out as soon as the Champion is declared, then take a couple days off then finally start the next season.

I agree with collins... I'd just call it the USA Region anyway... I don't even think I'd call it the "Old USA Region"!
Bill Maher
Seems like there are plenty of players out there who will play in non-USA leagues, but I'm not a team owner so I don't know for certain.
Sin City
I have seen it posted and said many times that players want to go only to USA leagues so yes I do agree with him if it were just named all the same way or plain names like blue, red, or whatever they won't associate that to the real NFL as the USA is kinda being linked to so everyone wants to go there well not 100% everyone but you know most of them do.

I do agree I think it is harder to get them to another league other than a USA league unless you have alot of friends to join and help you. I mean I do like the regions they have now I think it does make it alot better rounded game but it has it's flaws to a point even if it were to change there would also end up being issues the other way i'm sure, so it's kinda a catch 22 situation.

So I say leave it as is and hopefully it will work out over time as some players will realize there isn't really a big difference in leagues just the name is different.
Last edited Jun 30, 2008 14:20:25
as players level up, and if the hold off on expanding USA, not everyone can play there, and more will find the level of competition in the other regions continuing to grow - we have some amazing teams here in Oceania - it is very, very competitive.
Bill Maher
I think my idea about auctioning off teams instead of assigning them would help. If people are stupid enough to want to pay extra for teams in the USA leagues then the GLB guys should benefit from it.
that is an intriguing idea lol
Originally posted by SCACE
as players level up, and if the hold off on expanding USA, not everyone can play there, and more will find the level of competition in the other regions continuing to grow - we have some amazing teams here in Oceania - it is very, very competitive.


Originally posted by Sin City
I have seen it posted and said many times that players want to go only to USA leagues

In my opinion if the players/agents are that much of a jackass that they HAVE to play in a completely FABRICATED 'USA'... then I don't want them in my team anyway.

Hence why we have such a great forum with a good group of players and agents down here in Oceania!

P.s. the weather in Oceania is much better

Originally posted by DJDom
Originally posted by Sin City

I have seen it posted and said many times that players want to go only to USA leagues

In my opinion if the players/agents are that much of a jackass that they HAVE to play in a completely FABRICATED 'USA'... then I don't want them in my team anyway.

Hence why we have such a great forum with a good group of players and agents down here in Oceania!

P.s. the weather in Oceania is much better

Even better than the weather, the radiation in Bikini Atoll is killer!
Last edited Jul 1, 2008 09:15:32
people think the USA league is so much better, but in fact its not, its somewhat easier because they have so many leagues in their that people are spread apart, down in oceania its harder since we have a few leagues which in fact makes us more clustered and harder to win. thats my view on USA/oceania

i do have people in USA, but i only have 2 USA players and their in BBB league.

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