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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #8 > WarDogs - Locker room in a state of open rebellion.
The players of the Washington WarDogs have turned the team forums into a warzone. One of our GMs hasn't logged in since May and the only active GM we have only has control over our defense. The owner will not respond to any of our threads and, despite many of us sending him PMs, he won't even read the PMs - they still show up bold in all of our outboxes. He logs in every day, signs his own players, but won't act like a man and respond to the PMs of his other players.

This isnt a call-out thread since, well, we all know that our owner will never read this thread... This is just a polite request from the WarDogs players, guys who love this game and just want to play, for all of the other owners to please never disrespect the guys on your team like this guy has.
I'm with you, and I saw your thread in the GLB forum, but if the mods and admins won' react...I'm afraid there's not much we or you can do...

And that totally blows. Your owner is a Grade-A Asshole. He should lose his team.
I'll send a support request in your behalf...if enough of us PM the admins and mods they can't ignore this BS, right?

You have my, and all of the Icestorm's support.
Originally posted by the_old_days

You have my, and all of the Icestorm's support.

Same goes for me and the rest of the Da NOLA Brah!!! K&B Purples

From one of the owners of the Vermont Ice the owner of the War up and take of your team bro...youve obviously got some guys who really like playing this game...why be like this?

Anyways...hope your season gets better some point youll be able to find another team to play with....and there some great owners out there...hopefully you can get hooked up with some of them..
Originally posted by vt_dolfan
From one of the owners of the Vermont Ice the owner of the War up and take of your team bro...youve obviously got some guys who really like playing this game...why be like this?

Anyways...hope your season gets better some point youll be able to find another team to play with....and there some great owners out there...hopefully you can get hooked up with some of them..

The thing that blows the most is that our GM that has control over offense hasn't logged in at all since May. The Defensive guys adjust the gameplan and individual tactics but, without any offensive gameplan, we just keep getting trounced.

We've sent a ton of PMs and Thorn keeps giving us the same "an owner has to be ianctive for 14 days" line. All we asked is for the mods to give someone else GM-offensive powers. Hell, skinsfan89 is a GM already and he is active on our forums, why not just give him power over the offense as well? It seems like that would be a very easy fix that wouldn't step on anyone's toes and it would save GLB from having a ton of irritated, disgruntled players.

And, without an offensive gameplan, our substitutions are wacky. I, at MLB, end every game with like 60 energy because there is no substitution. Our back-up QB is level 12 and hasn't taken a single snap all season long... He is literally stuck on this team just gaining exp from training. I know that the mods can't take a team away but, come on, how fair is this situation for our back-up QB? At what point does "being fair to a d-bag owner" no longer trump "being fair to a guy that just wants to play the game?"
Last edited Jun 29, 2008 07:06:58
wow thats terrible. sorry to hear that. i hope we face you soon
I sent him a PM. Maybe he'll read a PM from someone not on his roster. Here is what I wrote. It's pretty straightforward.

why are you such a cocksucker? Run your team propoerly you douchebag.
oh wow, i'm sorry its like that man, what a douche man. I hope the Admin and mods do something soon, if not the USA A #8 league has your back.
sorry to hear that bro. you guys have enough talent to be competitive too...
what a douche nozzle...
jeez cheez, that stinks. I just sent in a support ticket to see if maybe that might help. maybe if the game admins send him a note he will shape up.
Originally posted by griz
I sent him a PM. Maybe he'll read a PM from someone not on his roster. Here is what I wrote. It's pretty straightforward.

why are you such a cocksucker? Run your team propoerly you douchebag.

always a way with words there griz! at least you didn't hold back
I hate griping because, hey, I'm a starter. With our absence of offensive planning I'm on the field for around 80 plays every game. It sucks for the guys who get zero snaps, though. I hate the idea of wasting 2 seasons of my players' career in this situation (since we get, what, 10 years before our traits atrophy?) but I feel real, genuine anger for those guys on the bench. It's not fair to them for sure.

Thanks for the concern though, guys. It's good to at least know that this guy is the small minority when it comes to owners. Seriously, watch for this team to be gutted at seasons end. I bet he releases all of his own players and dumps the team on some other sap.
Last edited Jun 30, 2008 11:48:38
Originally posted by AznIntegra521
oh wow, i'm sorry its like that man, what a douche man. I hope the Admin and mods do something soon, if not the USA A #8 league has your back.

Seems like we always get an asshat owner who needs to be removed in this league...
Originally posted by danchrism
Originally posted by AznIntegra521

oh wow, i'm sorry its like that man, what a douche man. I hope the Admin and mods do something soon, if not the USA A #8 league has your back.

Seems like we always get an asshat owner who needs to be removed in this league...

yeah i no what you mean dan. Last season it was with CsJeck, and this season its this big douche bag. I also send him a PM, but a polite one but i dont think he responded or read it. He is a GRADE A Douche with a pea size brain if you ask me.
Last edited Jul 1, 2008 00:05:39
Sent 4 PMs to Thorn/Bort all saying they can't do squat, my last one was a little less comprehensive :


Originally posted by Darwood

Thorn, it's kinda of ridiculous, we have agents with all their players on the team and their talking of deleting their accounts all together because they can't retire their players while under contract to a human team (to get FP back), the owner doesn't answer us back so we can't be traded, cut or get 10 days contracts.

You see your rules are made to protect the owner, but a bunch of fun loving, good agents have players on this team, active owners, players that care, and because we have a guy that doesn't get the fact that he has like 30 humans agents owning players on his team and wanting to work together to make the team work and win but obviously Can't because we have no control over tactics, game plans, Depth charts or sub packages!

Can't we have rules to protect players owners too? This is completely ridiculous the guy that doing the bad thing gets protected and the guys trying to do the right thing get screwed.

Thanks for your time,

Pierre Samson
QCT owner

I'm still waiting on an answer, but it certainly makes you doubt on the current system in place.

I also posted a suggestion on having an inactivity for owners that is team based, not just logging in. Meaning, last team activity registered on : 18/06/2008 so we don't get in that sort of situation.

What's funny is that 2 other owners are teammates and even on our team forums it's being discussed.

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