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The ball going between the uprights doesnt mean he made it. The replays you watch arent 100% accurate to the eye.
Yeah .. those replays are only two dimensional. The height of the ball as it reaches the crossbar is not shown in the replay. Also, we are told to trust the text PBP and not the graphical replay.

This is not a bug.
First time looking through it, It looks like the last references on the page to the ball give the z value (height) as such (below). I assume each time this shows up in the page that it is one frame. Btw others who understand it better might be able to give a more accurate or correct answer.

{id: 'ball',x: 85.75,y: 345,br: 0,mo: 0,z: 11} (yard or two before it passes)
{id: 'ball',x: 87.25,y: 352,br: 0,mo: 0,z: 10.5} (just before it passes the goal post)
{id: 'ball',x: 88.5,y: 359.25,br: 0,mo: 0,z: 9.75} (as it's passing the goal post)
{id: 'ball',x: 90,y: 366.25,br: 0,mo: 0,z: 8.25} (second last frame, just past the goal post)
{id: 'ball',x: 90,y: 366.25,br: 0,mo: 0} (i'm assuming this is the final frame so no z value)

So assuming goalposts are typical 10 feet high, the ball passes just under in the frame it reaches the post. The ball will not bounce off the goalpost (not coded) so you won't see that.

Again, i could be a frame off but this seems the most likely answer.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.

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