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They are overpowered. I spaced off tickets during the off season and couldn't get the usual promotions. So now my team is getting beat up on away games.

This game needs to be more accommodating for casual agents as most the die hards have left. You risk losing me with my friends who all spend money.

I'm not sure what your bug is here. From reading your post it seems that you forgot to do something with ticket sales during the off season, and now you are paying the price (punny!) for it?
My team is winning home games against other winning teams and losing away games to losing teams. It is getting very annoying and no longer fun to play.

I have been through winning and losing seasons as I have been around for a long time. This has the potential to become the proverbial straw.

Basically, I am screwed for an entire season with no way out.
Edited by AngryDragon on Jul 8, 2012 17:18:14
So -- what is the bug?
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
So -- what is the bug?

There isn't one.

AD if by "my team" in OP you are talking about Regensburg Steel Rain in WEPL, then your issue is certainly not Promo's.
then what is it?
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Play Calling.

100% Passing is obvious, and your defense is always predictable if anyone wants to scout it, Rain do what they do well enough to beat teams not really trying, but it just so happens that your last 2 away game losses were against CCC and Caustic who both needed a W, and match up well enough against that type of offense, and they both changed some of their own offense to target your D weakness (Not sure if that was intentional or a Auto Adjust feature of their OAI, ask them)

But either way your playcalling on Offense and Defense elevated them to your level.

Caustic's strength is their Pass Defense, so you evened the playing field against them tactically by going 100% pass, and don't let their early season form throw you off, they were low levelled and low chem, much better team than their record indicates not least due to having faced PPE, Monarchs, Militia and even Roma who are no scrubs early in the season.

100% passing couldn't extend drives against Caustic, too many 3 and outs left you in poor field position often and you didn't get enough big pay off plays to win.

Defensively you didn't cope with Caustic's Run game at all, which you should have been expecting. You need to review what Caustics RQB actually does an how you defended it.

The Caustic Loss was very avoidable.

CCC you should have been able to beat, but it was the same again, too many 3 and outs, not many real drives, poor field position.
Every time CCC made a decent play, they were in FG range already.
CCC exposed your weak Singleback defenses (All singleback formations) I dont know if they did it on purpose via scouting, or it just happened via autoadjust or thats what they always do tbh, but you let them control the clock and the field position, and they had extended drives due to a formational defensive weakness.

Again another loss you could have avoided.

Its not for me to say what you should do, but tactically 2 of your 3 current loses were very avoidable.

And it wasn't because of Promo's.
Edited by Mike Rogers on Jul 11, 2012 08:05:05
Edited by Mike Rogers on Jul 11, 2012 08:03:51
Mike, Regensburg Steel Rain is 7-3 now, and that 3 loss....2 without promotion, 1 promotion is used by Rain....
So from the start this is not promotion issue.
promo's are undependable , if not useless most of the time ....
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Originally posted by aaasahi
Mike, Regensburg Steel Rain is 7-3 now, and that 3 loss....2 without promotion, 1 promotion is used by Rain....
So from the start this is not promotion issue.XD

I know, but cant just dismiss bug threads out of hand like that, all deserve benefit of doubt.

And I think AD was talking about season long Promo's... Rain used Mini Helemts against my team in WEPL this season, and it really didnt work for them so I;m sure he is aware they are not the be all and end all.

But I can see why AD was concerned, looking at Rain's Away performances this season without looking at the games/match ups in detail, and just look at the records of those teams, and they have underperformed to expectation.

at Roma Gladiatori W 17-16 (Would expect a close Rain win, Roma are a solid team and the PBP shows why it was close)
at South Side Show Stoppers W 55-14 (As expected, SS are a 0 cares farm team)
at Algoma Beach Tokers W 58-7 (As expected, Tokers Pass D is pretty poor)
at Cork City Coolmores L 17-18 (would expect Rain win comfortably, but see above for why it didn't happen)
at Caustic Personalities L 16-19 (would expect a close Rain win, again see above for why)

On the face of it, I understand ADs initial issues, but its not simply the lack of Promo's its just circumstances/co-incidence.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
inb4 AD fixes these issues and dumps my Monarchs team out of the WEPL play offs.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.

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