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I'm trying to build a pretty solid anchor in the middle. I don't really have a clue what to do next with this DT/NT. Gimme a hint if you have good suggestions where to head before his plateau!

Physical Attributes
Strength: 143.16 (+48)
Speed: 76.04
Agility: 88.16
Jumping: 6
Stamina: 51.04
Vision: 75.16
Confidence: 52.04

Football Skills
Blocking: 8
Catching: 8
Tackling: 81.16
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Pass Rusher Abilities
The Glare: 0
Shed Blocks: 0
Swat Ball: 0
Strong Base: 0
Big Sack: 0

Run Stuffer Abilities
Wall: 3
Break Through: 5
Snarl: 1
Big Hit: 1
D-Line General: 1
At level 65, you still have 14 more levels = 70 more SP. Not much you can do with the main attributes, aside from maybe a couple into Agility and/or Stamina.Otherwise, you are probably better off considering SA’s.

SA Route:
Top Tree = 4/8/4/8/0 - I would suggest really looking into this one for the main dump of SP, without knowing what your extra SA is of course. If you extra SA is something like Diving Tackle, great, invest.
Glare - 4 = 6
Shed - 8 = 20
Swat Ball - 4 = 6
Strong Bas - 8 = 20
Total = 52 SP

Bottom Tree - You may wish to consider investing here a little, with focus being on Break Through as this will help with those double teams.
Wall at 2 - 8 = 18
Break Through at 4 - 8 = 14
Total = 32 SP

Attributes I would consider:
Stamin at 51 - 60 = 18 SP

If possible, train jumping as high as you can. This majorly helps with PD and Diving Tackles (thus increasing tackling radius).

Probably more like 80sp left. Rounded out a little too soon imo so you can go pretty hard after SA's

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