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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Player Tags do not coincide with play - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Captain Kaos

One TE is tagged as a receiver, the other is untagged. The input for the play is set as TE: Receiver, BTE: Receiver.

Maybe my assumption is off, but I assumed both TEs would have to be tagged as a Receiver for the play to fire, not one or the other.

If WAI, the sooner I know, the better -- then I can adjusted the AI so it's not FUBAR'd.
Edited by TaySC on Aug 18, 2012 22:47:57
Is your TE Receiver Input above your TE Receiver/BTE Receiver input?
Captain Kaos
Inputs are as follows:

Big I - Receiving TE
TE: Receiver
BTE: Receiver

Big I - General
No tags
That's going to be one or the other.

What would you expect if the offense lined up with and rHB and an rFB ?
Captain Kaos
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
That's going to be one or the other.

What would you expect if the offense lined up with and rHB and an rFB ?

Not worried about rHB and rFB at this point. Just wanted to know if marking both, the BTE and TE, in the input mattered. Guess it really doesn't. Thanks!
Captain Kaos
Just to show what I'm trying to depict here, and so other users can use it as reference when questioning when some wrong plays are called.
1 TE tagged as a receiver will trigger outputs below an input designed like this.
The wrong play is not being called.

What would you expect if the offense put in a receiving HB and/or a receiving FB?

You'd obviously want to cover those as receivers, not blockers. The same with TE and BTE.
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Jun 26, 2012 21:14:41
Captain Kaos
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
The wrong play is not being called.

What would you expect if the offense put in a receiving HB and/or a receiving FB?

You'd obviously want to cover those as receivers, not blockers. The same with TE and BTE.

That's really not what I was worried about.

I just assumed that the play that was called would only be called when both TEs during the play were tagged as receivers (as depicted in the screenshot), and only in that instance. I assumed it would not fire if only 1 of the TEs was tagged as the receiver and the other as untagged.

Just another one of those quirks of GLB.
Captain Kaos
jdbolick just looked over my AI for a possible issue and confirmed that the play should not have been called. He also pointed out that the play that was called (I thought it was a different play), wasn't even in the AI -- but is in my DPC.
All tags must match in order for an input to be called, if not it will default to the catch-all input you have in place or if no catch all, a generic DPC play from GLB (I can confirm this based on the tagging in my DAI in that I've never had any issuess).

I'd be happy to take a look as well.
Dr. Showtime
Originally posted by Kaotik
Just to show what I'm trying to depict here, and so other users can use it as reference when questioning when some wrong plays are called.
1 TE tagged as a receiver will trigger outputs below an input designed like this.

yeah It is like that when you want to defend vs 2 RTEs

otherwise you might get the 2 RTE defense when there is a blocker on the other side and they run to that side

Originally posted by Kaotik
jdbolick just looked over my AI for a possible issue and confirmed that the play should not have been called. He also pointed out that the play that was called (I thought it was a different play), wasn't even in the AI -- but is in my DPC.

Run everything through the tester
Issue 2 months old without any further discussions. I am assuming this was not a bug, but if you still feel it is, then let me know so we can reopen it and get more examples.

Thread moved by moderator.

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