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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > no players showing on my trade page? - DUPLICATE
Ive been trying to make a trade offer since the preseason. However, when I select "offer trade" on any team, I get either 0 or only 1-5 players available on my own roster and 0 available on the other roster to trade for.

Nowm I own two teams and co-own a 3rd, so I checked all three teams and its consistent on all 3.

-Im searching for trades in the same level leagues, so its not an age issue.
-My players do not have no trade clauses.
-My players have been on the roster for 2 seasons so its not a sign and trade grace period.

I sent support a PM and my response was that it "is probably due to the players not being on the roster for 6 days"... thats not the case at all as two of my rosters this is happening on, have been together for 2 years and 9 years respectively. The third has newly signed dots, but they were signed day 42 of the offseason for the most part.

So what is happening? why can I not select any players to trade? Please help
Edited by Mike Rogers on Jul 22, 2012 18:07:28 (dupe)
had the same issue last season that we worked around by both teams releasing the players involved.

I am also currently trying to trade a player and get the same thing you did, NO players loading up for either team. The trade function seems to be broken.
I experience the same issue when trying to make trades. It's made me really not look into trades as an option anymore.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Link - duplicate
Thread moved by moderator.

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