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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Blocking Kicks and Field Goals - NOT A BUG
I'm not sure if this is by design but um ... seriously? I mean I can understand not making it a high probability for a block but 0 for 6 when you have multiple defenders in most cases hanging around for several ticks before the kick? At least make it something like each defender gets a 5% chance to block it or something or especially when they are sitting right on top of the placeholder before the kick is made it should be at least 10% chance of blocking it. What exactly are they doing when they reach the placeholder, holding a tea party
- The placeholder was touched several ticks before the kicker got there and even decided to step aside for the kick???
- 2 defenders before ball was kicked
- 3 defenders before ball was kicked, 1 reaching simultaneously as kicker
- 1 defender just as the ball was kicked
- 3 defenders as ball was kicked
- 2 defenders as the kicker got there
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Jul 1, 2012 14:12:37
All private, but...

May 8, 2011
- Make sure placeholder cannot be tackled on field goal or extra point kicks

^ + it being a really difficult roll to pass the block the kick + pbp > visual = WAI

This has been brought up before and labeled not a bug, working as intended.
doh! hate private games :-(

yeah I know about the it being extremely difficult stuff. my question was mostly around the fact that they just stand there and even move away from the kick at times even because they get there tooo fast. before the kicker reaches the placeholder for several ticks.

oh well i guess i have no replays where i can show you what i mean unfortunately but believe me this was a bit more then the usually "visual doesn't represent reality" and "dots are 100 times bigger then the physical people" type of thing. I was trying to show cases where they clearly were not getting there as the ball got kicked in most cases. they were there for a LONG time before the kicker even got to the placeholder. And not just one.

If it is WAI then it is WAI but I'd love to know if they are having a BBQ over there or not while waiting for the kicker or if the kicker is kicking the ball between their crotches
Edited by Westwind on Jun 21, 2012 19:36:14
This is WAI - even if you see a red dot bounce off the holder, this is how it 'looks'. It is possible to block a FG or a PAT, but it is an extremely difficult roll to make
Thread moved by moderator.

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