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Dr. E
Look at this play My replay doesn't show a red ring around WR1 so I assume it's a dump pass, but I didn't think dump pass are thrown to the WR? But or something I just didn't know?
I would not call it a dump pass - he got hurried and chucked it.
it was such a bad pass that the sim itself misinterpreted who it was intended for
Dr. E
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
I would not call it a dump pass - he got hurried and chucked it.

So it is a bug then, no red ring or line to show the check down, or do you see one?
I dont watch replays in flash. And we are told that the graphics are for entertainment. Trust the PBP. So just because you did not see a "ring" does not this a bug make.


Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Have to agree with Fish, we are told to trust the PBP, so for now we have to assume it was intended for the WR, and the vision line( or ring in flash) just didnt have a chance to change over.

And as Trevjo joked, its so badly off target its actually possible the WR failed a make catch roll for it, which might also have confused the PBP or something.

But there will be revision of the rate of bad passes going on for next season, so I'll reference it then with Catch/Bort and see if there is anything else unintended happening.
Dr. E
You know, I don't really care. Just thought maybe Bort would like his game to sell well. We have seen already once this season there was a big bug in setting blocking to zero that everyone was complaining about and nobody even looked into it, instead just closed threads.

So, don't tell Bort there might be an issue close the thread. Makes no difference to me.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester

There was no Bug with setting Blocking to Zero.
There were no Bug threads closed in ref to Inside Runs.
The issue with the Tackle Score was found by a Bug Mod (Me) and it was then Fixed. So you cant try and say it was ignored here.

So Your first sentance is simply untrue, mis-informed and not relevant.

And I said Bort and Catch are already aware of the high rate of bad passes/throws, and I said that its not only going to be looked at in the offseason already, but that I will reference this thread specifically. How is that the same as not telling them?

So your second sentance is also misplaced and not relevant.

In fact thats just a completely irrelevant whine post, so locked, and moved.
Edited by Mike Rogers on May 18, 2012 03:51:31
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.

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