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Why is this a Bad Throw? It can't be because one of the Blitzers had 15 Fearsome because only the 4 Man D-Line was coming and there is no one around the QB. Please explain why this keeps happening?
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on May 28, 2012 14:55:09
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
The rate of Bad Passes is something that GLB is well aware off, and will be looked at in the offseason.

It will be addressed, but wont be a Bug Fix per se.

(As for your question, Bad Passes/Throws can happen without any pressure, for a variety of reasons, including build, energy / morale, QB moving while passing, and simple RNG, even if the rate of Bad passes is addressed, it wont eliminate plays like that 100%)

Thread moved by moderator.

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