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The NT is credited with a hurry although he makes almost no forward progress after the snap going up against the C with the RG right there to help as well. It is only a 3 man rush and none of the defenders are anywhere near the QB.
Edited by Mike Rogers on Jul 22, 2012 16:58:52 (closed)
Edited by Mike Rogers on Apr 19, 2012 06:37:53 (NMI (Replays))
Apr 16, 2012
- (9am patch) Added a hurry effectiveness bonus for heavier, stronger players and players with better tackling

He weighs 360 pounds, so he only has to be within 5 yards of the QB, lol.
Originally posted by dzer13

The NT is credited with a hurry although he makes almost no forward progress after the snap going up against the C with the RG right there to help as well. It is only a 3 man rush and none of the defenders are anywhere near the QB.

He barely crossed the line of scrimmage

Here you go, add comments to this suggestion thread:
Dr. E
Originally posted by dzer13

The NT is credited with a hurry although he makes almost no forward progress after the snap going up against the C with the RG right there to help as well. It is only a 3 man rush and none of the defenders are anywhere near the QB.

Because the QB doesn't drop back deep enough to get out of his area of influence.
Originally posted by Dr. E
Because the QB doesn't drop back deep enough to get out of his area of influence.

He didn't even cross the LOS... If the LOS is the area of influence then I'd say, Houston we have a problem. No QB will be safe.

Have noticed that most have been focusing on the fault of the QB and not the flaw in the defenders being 4 yards away with a blocker in front of them even.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
The "Area of influence" is variable based on builds and morale etc.
so this is probably working as intended right now, but if its happening very often, it might need a fix.

Therefore Need More Replays
Here is another, I have a few but think they may be private.
Dr. E
Originally posted by dahman32
Here is another, I have a few but think they may be private.

The FS is coming unblocked, a good QB will have seen that.

Long ago I noticed QBs who don't drop back fast, get pressured by D line that don't appear to be a threat, often even when they have a blocker between them and the defense. Under the old SIM, I'd say you just need to wait for the build to mature, but with the adjustments to pretty much everything that causes pressure, you can expect it to get a lot worse and need to rethink something to make it work for now. An easy answer would be to shift some of your basic equipment out of throwing and into agility, but even that might not work with the new SIM. Another option would be to commit to a ground & pound offense. It's what's working and the better teams that can, have.
Originally posted by Dr. E
The FS is coming unblocked, a good QB will have seen that.

Long ago I noticed QBs who don't drop back fast, get pressured by D line that don't appear to be a threat, often even when they have a blocker between them and the defense. Under the old SIM, I'd say you just need to wait for the build to mature, but with the adjustments to pretty much everything that causes pressure, you can expect it to get a lot worse and need to rethink something to make it work for now. An easy answer would be to shift some of your basic equipment out of throwing and into agility, but even that might not work with the new SIM. Another option would be to commit to a ground & pound offense. It's what's working and the better teams that can, have.

Yea, the demise of the QB, the elevation of the HB
Dr. E
Originally posted by dahman32
Yea, the demise of the QB, the elevation of the HB

Your QB will be more functional at higher levels. Need to move better and/or get those SAs & VA to handle pressure.

The truth is, the game can't be fixed. Can't have it working at all levels without a separate set of code to make a lower level dot functional like the end build dots. Might as well make all dots start end build. Then we can all get down to a tactic/strategy game. Those who can't play and those that can would soon end up in the same leagues and we would even have parity. No more need to spend a year waiting on a dot to mature, no more disinterested Agents waiting on their Dot to mature for their WL team.
Edited by Dr. E on Apr 19, 2012 16:00:43
Originally posted by Dr. E
Your QB will be more functional at higher levels. Need to move better and/or get those SAs & VA to handle pressure.

Not concerned about my QB, he may be retire fodder in a few seasons due to missing a boost early. But if I see this as being an issue for him in the near future, I'll just turn him into a rusher and save the headache that others will be dealing with against good defenses. Already seen some that have had 20+ bad passes in a game.... no pass, no bad pass
Please stay on topic -- this specific bug report - and not an opinion on builds or the state of the sim.


Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
Please stay on topic -- this specific bug report - and not an opinion on builds or the state of the sim.



Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
This has been under observation and review all season.

Bug thread no longer required.

Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.

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