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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > QB afraid of the blue line - NOT A BUG
Two intentional run plays, the 2nd one he eventually moved forward and got the TD but it was still very obviously a bit wonky. I'm used to seeing this type of behavior in the rookie and sophomore levels but I can't recall having ever seen it before this season. I've only seen it happen on those QB Slam Weak/Strong plays and not on the other QB runs. These are just 2 of the plays I saw them on. Stopped keeping track of links after a while.
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Apr 29, 2012 18:38:33
Pretty sure issues past the LOS are a build/slider issue. What rush setting are you using? Super elusive?
Farliq is correct. Behavior like that, once pass the LOS, is a build is a build issue.

I know it's lolRookie ball, but I'm seeing the same thing here.

This QB is running on 0 on the power/elusive slider.

There should be something coded into the game, especially at the lower levels, that at least pushes the QB in a downfield direction if they can't make a decision on where to go.
Originally posted by spindoctor02

I know it's lolRookie ball, but I'm seeing the same thing here.

This QB is running on 0 on the power/elusive slider.

There should be something coded into the game, especially at the lower levels, that at least pushes the QB in a downfield direction if they can't make a decision on where to go.

Post the build.
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
Originally posted by spindoctor02

I know it's lolRookie ball, but I'm seeing the same thing here.

This QB is running on 0 on the power/elusive slider.

There should be something coded into the game, especially at the lower levels, that at least pushes the QB in a downfield direction if they can't make a decision on where to go.

Post the build.

50ish speed
20ish agility
starting values for everything else.

Like I said, it's probably just a function of being about 10 days old, but the replay I saw was pretty similar to the one in the OP.
So .. vision is like.. 10?

We've (Us bugs) have been told that these plays at such a low level are the result of the builds (if the behavior is past the LOS).
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
So .. vision is like.. 10?

We've (Us bugs) have been told that these plays at such a low level are the result of the builds (if the behavior is past the LOS).

In the play I linked, the QB never crossed the LOS (the blue line). He runs right up to it, goes parallel for a bit, then steps back and decides to contemplate the architecture of the stadium or something, while waiting for a defender to come tackle him.
Well that big ole dot that represents the ball carrier is about 3 yrds in diameter ! I clearly see at least part of the dot crossing the blue line. We are told that the graphics are not as specific as the PBP, and we are also told that this specific behavior behind the LOS is a build issue.

Now -- we see that dot dance like that while clearly not going beyond the LOS - -that's a bug.

And the QB's vision is?
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish

And the QB's vision is?

You were generous with your guess of 10.
Originally posted by spindoctor02
You were generous with your guess of 10.


You'll see this behavior go away as the dot ages. Might try moving his slider more towards the power style of running -- that could help.

QB runs to the left, especially in the newer formations often don't work until late in the 1st season.

QB runs to either direction out of 5wr formation don't work for several seasons unless you want them to run off the guard/tackle.
Originally posted by Westwind

The NT is actually David Blaine, and he is preventing the QB from crossing by making him think his is seeing a couple of spitting cobras. Go back and watch, David (NT) tries to not make it obvious, but it's him doing it.
Just had this happen to my peewee dot today. Even if I grant that his build caused him to react that way it still seems that the coding shouldn't be interpreting his build that way, what with it making no sense whatsoever to behave in that way. My dot has 50+ speed, 20+ agi and 10 + vision so it's not like I"m surprised, just seems a bit odd that the answer is the canned "Working as Intended."
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish

You'll see this behavior go away as the dot ages. Might try moving his slider more towards the power style of running -- that could help.


this would make a lot of sense... if it ever happened to a RB. I mean I have seen HBs with 5 vision make better decisions... there is a certain point where 'the build is the issue' can't just be the default answer. There's a lot to be done with the sim still and things get broken all the time, having a quick look into this isn't a bad idea, especially since this isn't an issue of him not seeing a defender, but seeing ALL the defenders and trying to avoid them by running backwards. I know confidence plays a big role in this kind of stutter stepping and in lower leagues it can be a bit drastic, but these are just ridiculous and could be a way of alienating new players from joining the GLB community if they see such glaring problems and are dismissed because their players are too low a level.

just my 2¢.

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