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OK so I have a +3 Speed with no SA or % added yet. but when I went to enhance that piece it shows only +2 Speed. What is up with that? I didnt enhance because I wasnt sure what was going on there..
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Apr 14, 2012 17:40:45 (support issue)
Screen shot would help, but probably will need to contact support on this as bug mods can't see this kind of stuff. Might try a ctrl+F5 refresh just to see if that fixes it.
Lead Bugs Mod
Yeah, you're going to have to take this one to support unless you have before and after screenshots. They should be able to check your BT history to confirm or deny what you're saying.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
Yeah, you're going to have to take this one to support unless you have before and after screenshots. They should be able to check your BT history to confirm or deny what you're saying.

Thread moved by moderator.

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