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This may just affect punting, which I care about, but I'm sure no one else does.

Anyway, trophies are handed out using the blowout adjusted stats, I'm pretty sure. On the stat page, my punter is ranked 4th. However, using blowout adjusted stats, my guy's average is 49.816 (1946.82/39.08). The guy in 3rd is at 49.810 (4834.07/97.05). Shouldn't my guy be 3rd then?

I don't really feel like finding other examples, but I'm sure they could be out there.
I think it depends on how you are doing the adjustments. This is my guess:
Here are the results doing it by your method- Blowout punt distance/ Blowout total punts
Choco 49.816274309109518935516888433982
Deborah 49.81009788768675940236991241628
This is the result of doing this method: Blowout punt distance/total punts
Choco 48.6705
Deborah 48.82898989898989898989898989899

By not adjusting the # of punts by a blowout adjustment you get a higher average punt distance for deborah. Another possibility (more likely) is that the calculation is done by less significant digits than you used (perhaps just to 1 decimal place) and the result left you two in basically a tie.

Since using non adjusted punts results in a different decimal than is displayed on the league leader page it's probably not that but there could be something going on with the calculation that is giving a result that you wouldn't expect. Not sure either way if this is a bug, but good thing you did this before the season ends so that we can go back after awards are handed out to see if the results turn out to be like you see in that list.
Are we sure that the only thing taken into account is the punters average kick distance?

And - how can we have fractions of a punt? (97.05). How do you get point-oh-five of a punt attempt?
Guppy, Inc
for the punting trophy, afaik, its just a simple adjusted punt yards divided by adjusted punts. how does 1 get .05 anything in football? its pretty common to see an average go up when using adjusted punting stats. i've lost at least 1 trophy due to it. from past ties, the calculation only goes to the 10th, so they are actually tied according to glb. and i'm not sure what order ties are displayed. i'm in a similar situation where if you go to the 100ths, my punter wins bronze, but by using 10ths, he tied for 2nd and will share a silver. at least thats the way i've seen it work in the past.
Its debateable why punters even need blowout adjusted stats, but whatever.
Guppy, Inc
Originally posted by choco
Its debateable why punters even need blowout adjusted stats, but whatever.

very true.

looks like you did tie for the bronze.

EDIT: i just checked my punter in a similar situation who had tied for 2nd, and not only were 2 silvers awarded, 2 bronzes were also awarded for the tie with the 3rd best average. so 5 punters got trophies in usa pro this season.
Edited by Guppy, Inc on Apr 5, 2012 10:43:07
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Originally posted by Guppy, Inc
Originally posted by choco

Its debateable why punters even need blowout adjusted stats, but whatever.

very true.

looks like you did tie for the bronze.

EDIT: i just checked my punter in a similar situation who had tied for 2nd, and not only were 2 silvers awarded, 2 bronzes were also awarded for the tie with the 3rd best average. so 5 punters got trophies in usa pro this season.

Participation medals \o/

Well it doesn't seem to be having a negative effect, not sure if there needs to be a "fix" here.

Leaving this open for a bit of debate for a bit.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
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