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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > WR Jukes sometimes have 0 effect - DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Stray Doug
Two examples here, but I could probably find more if needed... neither of these dots appear to suffer even a single tick worth of slowdown or misdirection, despite being juked. Other plays I do notice Juke working against CBs, so leads me to believe something weird here is causing the effect not to kick in.

If I understand correctly, things like Super Vision are supposed to prevent getting Juked in the first place, but will NOT negate Juke from having its effect once it is used successfully, correct?

Revis Christ Almighty - (if anything, the Juke has the opposite effect, WR fake steps toward sideline but CB cuts towards middle of field instead, opposite the direction of Juke, and therefore actually helping him stay on/ahead of receiver's path and reducing space rather than creating it)

Deef Lecter -
Edited by Mike Rogers on Mar 23, 2012 16:37:42 (Closed)
Edited by Stray Doug on Mar 21, 2012 08:56:10
Just because you juke doesn't mean a defender is always going to be fooled by it.
I have a cold and this Dayquil has fogged my brain -- but ....

I think there is a defensive somthing called "Avoid Fake" -- and that it can prevent a dot from being faked (Juke is a fake and and not a break-tackle)

So -- in the OP's example, it would be expected behavior to have a CB not get faked out by a Juke move.

I'll need some additional convincing before I am willing to call this a bug.


Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
I have a cold and this Dayquil has fogged my brain -- but ....

I think there is a defensive somthing called "Avoid Fake" -- and that it can prevent a dot from being faked (Juke is a fake and and not a break-tackle)

So -- in the OP's example, it would be expected behavior to have a CB not get faked out by a Juke move.

I'll need some additional convincing before I am willing to call this a bug.



I think when that icon showed "juked", it means CB should be affected.
If CB have "Avoid fake" AEQ and it work, you shall not see that icon pop out.
Originally posted by aaasahi
I think when that icon showed "juked", it means CB should be affected.
If CB have "Avoid fake" AEQ and it work, you shall not see that icon pop out.

When the Juke icon pops up, that indicates the ball carrier has made that move -- it does not indicate who (if *any*) were fooled by that fake.

You might want to go to the suggestion forum and suggest that "avoid fake" be a pop-up icon like Juke.
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
Originally posted by aaasahi

I think when that icon showed "juked", it means CB should be affected.
If CB have "Avoid fake" AEQ and it work, you shall not see that icon pop out.

When the Juke icon pops up, that indicates the ball carrier has made that move -- it does not indicate who (if *any*) were fooled by that fake.

You might want to go to the suggestion forum and suggest that "avoid fake" be a pop-up icon like Juke.

I thought if the Juke popped up, then the defender was suppose to be faked....

It is like that with pump fake and such, and or looked off.
You're Correct Triathlon. I should take another shot of Dayquil and go back to bed.
i think the problem here is that the OP doesnt understand that when a defender is faked, be it pump fake, head fake, juked or catch faked, his movement at that point is random... there's nothing "logical" about it.

beyond that, avoid fake% doesnt change the duration of the fake, but super vision can help a dot recover faster. neither is really relevant to this thread though, as it's just random movements. i have this because it's just silly and sort of lazy, oc's can hate on it because sometimes it'll move the dot into a better spot to make a play.

Originally posted by The Second Coming of Rusty Trombone
i think the problem here is that the OP doesnt understand that when a defender is faked, be it pump fake, head fake, juked or catch faked, his movement at that point is random... there's nothing "logical" about it.

beyond that, avoid fake% doesnt change the duration of the fake, but super vision can help a dot recover faster. neither is really relevant to this thread though, as it's just random movements. i have this because it's just silly and sort of lazy, oc's can hate on it because sometimes it'll move the dot into a better spot to make a play.

Actually, SV would help lessen the power of the fake and can do so almost to nothing. So a "successful" fake can fire without any noticeable impact.
Originally posted by Greenday4537
Just because you juke doesn't mean a defender is always going to be fooled by it.

The thread should've stopped right here...
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
Originally posted by The Second Coming of Rusty Trombone

i think the problem here is that the OP doesnt understand that when a defender is faked, be it pump fake, head fake, juked or catch faked, his movement at that point is random... there's nothing "logical" about it.

beyond that, avoid fake% doesnt change the duration of the fake, but super vision can help a dot recover faster. neither is really relevant to this thread though, as it's just random movements. i have this because it's just silly and sort of lazy, oc's can hate on it because sometimes it'll move the dot into a better spot to make a play.

Actually, SV would help lessen the power of the fake and can do so almost to nothing. So a "successful" fake can fire without any noticeable impact.

Yes, to both of these. Reaction after a fake is random, but can be reduced so it appears to be ineffective.

also.... from Changelog

Mar 12, 2012
- Fixed bug where coverage defenders could get faked out too much by tiny changes in route directions, most common on "curved" HB/FB routes behind the LOS

When testing recent coverage changes, the rate and reaction to Fakes on routes was also discussed, and Bort seems happy with it as is.

Would need to be a case where this is happening (almost) every time a fake fires for a Bug fix, really.
Edited by Mike Rogers on Mar 21, 2012 15:08:24
Stray Doug
Originally posted by Triathlon Dude
I thought if the Juke popped up, then the defender was suppose to be faked....

It is like that with pump fake and such, and or looked off.

Yeah, this was my understanding as well. So it sounds like Jukes are handled differently than Pump Fake or Look Off then (I've never seen one of those other two not affect the defender when they fire successfully)... correct?

Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
When the Juke icon pops up, that indicates the ball carrier has made that move -- it does not indicate who (if *any*) were fooled by that fake.

You might want to go to the suggestion forum and suggest that "avoid fake" be a pop-up icon like Juke.

Interesting, because on returns there is always a 1-to-1 between Juke being thrown (icon appears) and a defending/covering dot being juked... so I'd disagree... it DOES indicate who (always 1) was fooled by the fake. Avoid fake takes place PRIOR to the juke icon being thrown, imo... if they avoided it, you wouldn't see the icon appear. I believe this holds true for any ball carrier.

The key thing here is you used the word ball carrier though... so perhaps while running routes (i.e., when NOT a ball carrier) Juke behaves differently, and does not always have the same 1-to-1 fake effect that we see from ball carriers? Seems that must be the case if this is not a bug.
Doug -- please re-read this thread -- I was obviously wrong there and was corrected by TD, which I acknowledged.

Lesson -- never Bug Mod while under the influence of Dayquil.


Stray Doug
Originally posted by Longhornfan1024
Actually, SV would help lessen the power of the fake and can do so almost to nothing. So a "successful" fake can fire without any noticeable impact.

Originally posted by Mike Rogers
Yes, to both of these. Reaction after a fake is random, but can be reduced so it appears to be ineffective.

Is this one of those things where if you go digging through Q&A threads you'll find Bort said this somewhere, even though the skill description for SV itself says nothing at all about lessening the power or duration of a successful fake (only mentions avoiding fakes)?

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