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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Fumble after INT in endzone not called - touchback - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
first off, my team ran 5 goalline plays within the 3 yard line up to this point (only this one being a third down, the other ones first and second down) and we threw the pass every single time which led to two interceptions... that should not be the case and really goes against football logic.

anyhow, in this replay the CB intercepts the ball in the endzone, falls down and starts to bring it out a few ticks later after getting up again. then he gets hit by the HB and the ball CLEARLY comes out as he is tackled. yet it is ruled a touchback.
Edited by Mike Rogers on Mar 11, 2012 21:54:15 (determined not a bug)
Edited by Yakini on Mar 11, 2012 14:39:17
From this thread:

==The following things are NOT bugs==

101: Graphics show something that looks impossible, like a catch out of bounds, the ball not being near someone when they catch it, the ball carrier stop short but given the first down and vice versa, punts that are or are not touchbacks or that have or have not gone out of bounds. In these and similar situations, the PBP text description is consider the accurate depiction of the events while the visual replay is considered approximate.

I'm sorry, but this is not a bug.


I have also seen the ball come out from the ball-carrier in the endzone this season when the play "ended".
Figured it was just one of those weird "endzone" visual coding things Bort did.
thx for the response.

ok, I read you but I won't agree. either it's a sim-bug (it actually should've been a fumble) or it's a graphics bug (the ball shouldn't start to move).

either way, you should do yourself a favor and resolve it or idiots like me will post the same replays over and over again.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester

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