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Currently lvl 9, took him through vpb today, need advice.

Bonus Tokens: 1207
Player Value = 1302.08
3 AEQ + CEQ = (+55)

strength : 94.06
speed : 136.26 (+55)
agility : 92.06
jumping : 49.26
stamina : 61.26
vision : 82.06
confidence : 43.26
blocking : 8
throwing : 8
catching : 8
carrying : 8
tackling : 85.07
kicking : 8
punting : 8

Top SA Tree: | 2 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Bottom SA Tree: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Additional SA Tree: | 5 |

Top SA Tree: | 3 | 3 | 5 | 11 | 5 |
Bottom SA Tree: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Additional SA Tree: | 8 |

+3 from CEQ into Big Hit
1 AEQ into monster Hit
2 AEQ into FF%
You need MT% equip especially with only 85 TKL if u want to play on balanced or power. Big hit dont bother, just use MH. Not bad but a 3 AEQ build should easily finish in the 1400+ eff lvl range though. Some people will say not fast enough others will say needs more STR, HHers come in a many forms which is one of the rare positions that has many looks. What extra SA did u go with? IMO, try for 90 TKL, mid 60s STM, mid 50 CONF and probly a little more SPD.
tackling is fine, with the Textbook Tackler Va he will be at ~91.5 Tackling, which is more than enough for a hard hitter.
85 end agility is fine.
Try to get speed into the 140's
Strength, vision, stamina, and jumping are fine.
Like sellars said, dont bother with big hit.
Just get Monster Hit to 11
Bonus SA should be first step, get it up to 9 at least.
Also like Sellars said you need to get confidence to at least 50, preferably mid-50's, and have one piece of make tackle %, You could do this by either replacing a FF% piece, or replacing all of your CEQ upgrades with mke tackle %.
Sorry for the noobish questions, but how high would I need to pump strenght with skill points to have it around the preferred number at end build?
Also what do you really call an end build? A specific level, like 70 or so?
Thank you for your advice!
Originally posted by asmohun
Sorry for the noobish questions, but how high would I need to pump strenght with skill points to have it around the preferred number at end build?
Also what do you really call an end build? A specific level, like 70 or so?
Thank you for your advice!

End build is what a player reaches at day 281.
For a full booster this is level 79, for a non booster it's considerably lower.
At this point a player no longer gains XP, Skill Points, Training Points, or Veteran Points, and the build goes into plateau. Plateau is a point in a players life when they no longer gain anything to improve the build and the build is set in stone and gets to play for ~5 seasons if they are a full booster before they hit decline.
At decline a player slowly loses points in all of their attributes.
Thanks for clearing that up.

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