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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > ROLB Doesn't Cover WR1 - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG

why does he look like he's playing an under middle weak 4th zone? he's set on cover w/ out move wr1 then deep middle week zone. the rolb does not break for the wr until the pass is thrown and it's way too late. i've seen this a lot when you try to get your lbs to play a deep zone or man cover a wr. it seems as though the sim is in tight end/halfback/fullback coverage no matter what i do.

also why do safeties run way past the hb when trying to cover them from the far side of the field? the hb doesn't change direction at all yet the ss doesn't seem to be able to understand the route
Edited by Mike Rogers on Mar 11, 2012 21:55:12 (determined not a bug )
Edited by Animus Maximus on Mar 1, 2012 20:43:29
Edited by Animus Maximus on Mar 1, 2012 20:42:36
the ss is set to cover hb strong then wr2 in the 2nd play. it looks like he fails the vision check for a player running directly at him. that should take about a 1 on a 100 sided die to pass that vision roll...not that there should be a vision roll to cover a player that would run right in to you if you didn't move
Originally posted by Animus Maximus

also why do safeties run way past the hb when trying to cover them from the far side of the field? the hb doesn't change direction at all yet the ss doesn't seem to be able to understand the route

First link is private but I just saw something similar to this one. FS is set to cover HB Weak then WR1, and he goes right past the HB before slowing down and turning around.
Originally posted by Doc_Nilla
First link is private but I just saw something similar to this one. FS is set to cover HB Weak then WR1, and he goes right past the HB before slowing down and turning around.

ya that's it right there. why would he misplay that so badly if the hb never changes direction?
Bugs Moderator
Mar 28, 2011
- Fix coverage bug causing unintended overpersuing vs FB screen weak and WR screen plays

Feb 11, 2011
- Fix some coverage "overshooting" from fast defenders caused by 02-10 coverage update

Feb 10, 2011
- Make sure ball carrier cannot be "pushed" out of bounds by trying to avoid his own team mates near the sideline
- Disable coverage speed matching when too far away from receiver (fixes sluggish coverage of HB/FB coming out of the backfield)
- Fix some occasional extra-large run block "bouncyness" caused by double team blocks

These all show that it was supposedly fixed... but i think this seasons changes used some old code because we are seeing bugs that were around, disappeared, and then reappearing again.
thanx gbororats. i found another issue that looks totally different than the other two. the ss stops dead in his tracks and just stands there when the wr makes his cut. either that's a bug or that's the greatest cut a wr has ever made and the ss decided to stand there and applaud
With the 1st issue, I thought there was a huge penalty for a LB in man coverage on a WR which makes them incredibly slow to react on the snap. Don't know whether this is what you are experiencing.
Originally posted by Mike1709
With the 1st issue, I thought there was a huge penalty for a LB in man coverage on a WR which makes them incredibly slow to react on the snap. Don't know whether this is what you are experiencing.

why would that be? i mean, yes i've heard that the penalty exists but he should at least react to the wr before the pass is thrown 15 yds downfield. this makes no football sense at all. a player's coverage ability should be based on his physical and mental attributes not the position at which he lines up. you probably don't see a lot of lb on wr in the nfl but it does happen and it happens a lot in college and high school. i've never seen a player stand there and decide not to cover his man until the pass is thrown. that would get a guy cut pretty quickly
Edited by Animus Maximus on Mar 2, 2012 17:59:16

Originally posted by gbororats
Mar 28, 2011
- Fix coverage bug causing unintended overpersuing vs FB screen weak and WR screen plays

Feb 11, 2011
- Fix some coverage "overshooting" from fast defenders caused by 02-10 coverage update

Feb 10, 2011
- Make sure ball carrier cannot be "pushed" out of bounds by trying to avoid his own team mates near the sideline
- Disable coverage speed matching when too far away from receiver (fixes sluggish coverage of HB/FB coming out of the backfield)
- Fix some occasional extra-large run block "bouncyness" caused by double team blocks

These all show that it was supposedly fixed... but i think this seasons changes used some old code because we are seeing bugs that were around, disappeared, and then reappearing again.

yeah, those changes really only seemed to make things worse.
feel free to post examples of terrible terrible hb coverage here:
Bugs Moderator
the thing is, it fixed it for a little... then this season old bugs are coming back.... someone found a bug from 13 seasons ago, i pulled it out of page 1928309812039810398 of filed bugs... it was archived... i hadnt seen it in a long time, but it magically shows up this season.
any mods or admins want to comment?
Originally posted by Animus Maximus

They are waiting until it screws up our Play off Game
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Mar 7, 2012 08:58:28

Same game - same play -- different SS behavior - I'm not seeing a definite buggy pattern here

Again -- I am able to find the same play, from the same game, where the dot in question does not seem to 'miss-behave'.

Most of the time bugs have a pattern, they repeat when the same set of circumstances is met. I'm seeing the same circumstances, but we're getting different behavior from the dots. This strongly suggests that there is not a bug, but simply a difference in play outcome. We cannot expect out dots to be perfect on every play. They will make mistakes.



Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Mar 7, 2012 09:44:27

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