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Convert Leftover XP
"Trade in a declining player's leftover XP for various bonuses. Select the bonus you would like below. When you reach 49 XP or less, the rest of your XP will be automatically converted to 2 bonus tokens."

That's what it says. But it's not happening. Noticed this on all my dots that just turned 281d old.
Did you spend down all XP you could until you reached 49 or less (thought they changed it to 65 but i could be thinking of something else)?

So for example on this player who is 283 days old today, does he have 49 or less XP left over after you bought all the bonus's you wanted?
Originally posted by HoyaHater
Convert Leftover XP
"Trade in a declining player's leftover XP for various bonuses. Select the bonus you would like below. When you reach 49 XP or less, the rest of your XP will be automatically converted to 2 bonus tokens."

That's what it says. But it's not happening. Noticed this on all my dots that just turned 281d old.

It happens automatically when you turn in any amount of XP that would take you below 65 remaining XP. There is no confirmation screen, it just adds 2 BTs to your total.
Originally posted by HoyaHater
Convert Leftover XP
"Trade in a declining player's leftover XP for various bonuses. Select the bonus you would like below. When you reach 49 XP or less, the rest of your XP will be automatically converted to 2 bonus tokens."

That's what it says. But it's not happening. Noticed this on all my dots that just turned 281d old.

I guess what Taut said, it would be nice to see a confirmation though.
Edited by cymaddux31 on Mar 2, 2012 23:54:28
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Originally posted by tautology

It happens automatically when you turn in any amount of XP that would take you below 65 remaining XP. There is no confirmation screen, it just adds 2 BTs to your total.


If you are still concerned, then you will have to contact Support, as Bugs Mods cannot verify.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.
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