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Forum > Position Talk > LB Club > snarl and aura of intimidation
Is it worth it to put anything into them? Or just put enough points in them to be able to build the sa's at the end of the tree?

Are the line general, and natural leader sa's and va's important now since everybody builds with higher morale and stamina since the archetype's went into affect?
Not worth putting anything into them unless you're investing in Monster Hit. (Someone might make a case for Diving Tackle, though I've never invested in it for any of my LBs.)

Defense General isn't worth the investment post-archetypes, imo. There's so many other SAs--particularly bonus SAs--that are more valuable.
Edited by motownjunk on Feb 14, 2012 02:51:34
Try it, especially if you are making a lot of tackles. Snarl and Aura used to be key SAs and I bet with a sick build could still be a factor. Maybe not a huge stat factor but a game swinging factor for a good LB. I agree with having monste or big hit though。
I wouldn't try it unless I was fully prepared for it to fail miserably. Who knows you might change the way people build lb's, or you might prove why nobody puts points into those SA's.

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