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Forum > Casual Leagues > Casual Rookie Leagues > So boost to Level 12 and still loze, question mark
The Avenger
Hulk Smash

Come on Rookie Casual, is it going to take an all rushing QB team to beat us this season?
Originally posted by The Avenger

Come on Rookie Casual, is it going to take an all rushing QB team to beat us this season?

We've already beaten you twice, but those were private games... The first time was before we boosted also, and it was 31-10 us.
Originally posted by The Avenger

Come on Rookie Casual, is it going to take an all rushing QB team to beat us this season?

Obviously they are just trying to win this season and this season only.

Avenger would you be willing to play our team?
Sugar Kapaa
You have been beaten multiple times in scrimmages... you even asked in Casual 3's forum for a "real scrim so you could see a loss".... you are just a bunch of hot air!! LOL ... pathetic!
Lot's of early boosters this year, at least in Cas 2. I guess more agents are looking at it as not losing a level on the end build when really it's about effective levels and that by boosting early, you could certainly be costing your player that in the long run. It's really a balance. Lost one in OT and one really close in the tourney today, both to early boosting teams. Doesn't bother me that much because we aren't here for one season or one trophy.
Originally posted by MeatBomb
Lot's of early boosters this year, at least in Cas 2. I guess more agents are looking at it as not losing a level on the end build when really it's about effective levels and that by boosting early, you could certainly be costing your player that in the long run. It's really a balance. Lost one in OT and one really close in the tourney today, both to early boosting teams. Doesn't bother me that much because we aren't here for one season or one trophy.

I agree. It's Day 48 Boosting for me. Unless I somehow make it to the Championship game, then I'll have to debate long and hard whether to wait or grab a Gold while I have the opportunity.
Originally posted by DavyJonesLocker
Originally posted by MeatBomb

Lot's of early boosters this year, at least in Cas 2. I guess more agents are looking at it as not losing a level on the end build when really it's about effective levels and that by boosting early, you could certainly be costing your player that in the long run. It's really a balance. Lost one in OT and one really close in the tourney today, both to early boosting teams. Doesn't bother me that much because we aren't here for one season or one trophy.

I agree. It's Day 48 Boosting for me. Unless I somehow make it to the Championship game, then I'll have to debate long and hard whether to wait or grab a Gold while I have the opportunity.

Same deal for us. We took a team vote and it's unanimous that we are holding our boosts until Day 48 ourselves. No point in it unless a trophy is on the line and enough guys seem willing to jump on that grenade early. We're gonna be there next season, and the season after, and the season after.

My players won't exist after 2 or 3 seasons, so it doesn't matter. I like the first few seasons but don't like the slow development pace beyond that. So, in the end, the decision comes down to long term vs short term players. Others may choose long term and thats their choice.
My math worked out that i could Boost once early then boost the rest during the playoffs and still end the season with the same XP as if I boosted all 3 at the end. It'll give me an extra level all season i suppose.
Originally posted by Couchduck
My math worked out that i could Boost once early then boost the rest during the playoffs and still end the season with the same XP as if I boosted all 3 at the end. It'll give me an extra level all season i suppose.

It's about training gains, not XP
Originally posted by Axabad1967
My players won't exist after 2 or 3 seasons, so it doesn't matter. I like the first few seasons but don't like the slow development pace beyond that. So, in the end, the decision comes down to long term vs short term players. Others may choose long term and thats their choice.

Have no problem with that strategy whatsoever. I know of at least one team in our league that does that and has been recycling into rookie repeatedly the last few years and winning trophies there. No problem with it at all. For our teams goals though, we know that we'd have to give up some of what we want in our end-builds to compete with that. Gotten within 21 of them in a scrim, but still haven't been able to break the bank on them offensively.

Originally posted by Couchduck
My math worked out that i could Boost once early then boost the rest during the playoffs and still end the season with the same XP as if I boosted all 3 at the end. It'll give me an extra level all season i suppose.

You do still get to level 19 that way, but like DJL said it could cost some on training gains. It probably adds up to being fairly negligible in the end, but I've had quite a few builds get to the end and be not-quite-there so I'm going to try and use every bit to get that extra point for my guys in the end. Probably doesn't hurt you that much at all to do it your way coachduck. We just figured with all the early boosting and such, we'll take those extra 16 days of training gains atop the extra 32 we had on other teams and see if we can squeeze out enough of an advantage down the road. We've been close to a lot of the teams we play and we feel with the extra levels and an extra few skill points we could work on making up that.

i know i am boosting right before playoffs. i dont usually go past 3-4 seasons anyways. i like the younger seasons wheres theres more growth. plus as you get higher levels it gets harder to find good dots to replace those that bail out.

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